New employee at OsloMet

New employee at OsloMet

It is the manager's responsibility to plan the induction period. The manager decides which other resource persons, such as sponsors and other colleagues, can assist in various practical tasks.

First week on the job

First week on the job

  1. Leader

    The leader is responsible for ensuring that the employee is well received and gets a good start at OsloMet. The leader can delegate some of the tasks to sponsors or others

  2. Employee

    The new employee must actively familiarize themselves with the training plan and follow up on what is agreed with the leader, as well as participate in activities planned by the employer

    The technical-administrative employee must attend a course on time registration (receives an invitation in Outlook)

     Useful links


    New manager


    • Meeting own employees

    Teaching staff

    • Preparing for a new semester
    • Online introductory course to Canvas (
    • You can make a digital checklist ahead of term?

    • You can communicate with your students whilst on the train? Or maybe you intend to send out questions to your students ahead of teaching? Canvas Learning Platform includes both a teacher and a student app. Canvas also gives you the freedom that comes from working with a flexible learning design.

    • Digital tools can help you with presenting and conducting your teaching? DIGIN supports you in the development of your teaching practice. DIGIN offers Canvas training and provides educational courses.

    • You can make use of the automatic attendance register? Fagpersonweb through Canvas can, inter alias, be used for this purpose.

    • Your personal teaching timetable is automatically displayed in your Outlook calendar? Read more about the timetable project.

    • You can hold and grade exams digitally? Inspera Assessment can be used as a digital examination tool. By the way, OsloMet has examination rooms that are tailor-made for digital exams!

    • You can check assignments for plagiarism? Use Ouriginal, the text recognition system, via the digital examination solution and Canvas.

    • You have online access to approved course plans? Get access through courses and programme plans at or check out EPN.

    • You can digitally register the curriculum and give your students access to the required reading list online? The digital reading list Leganto is available through the Canvas learning platform.

    • You get a free Microsoft Office suite for private use and free OneDrive storage? Use Office 365

  3. Sponsor/ mentor

    A sponsor is a colleague who knows OsloMet well, and can provide good information about the workplace and work tasks. The sponsor must also help ensure that the new employee becomes part of the working environment and thrives at work. You can easily split the task in two and have an academic and a social sponsor.

  4. HR

    • Mail fra HRF 1. uke hver måned: inneholder lenker til oblig e-læring, info om tid/ferie, etc.
    • TA-ansatte inviteres til kurs i tidregistrering første måneden av HR-fellestjenester. Holdes 2. uke hver måned.
    • Nye ledere får individuell opplæring i SAP-innsikt ++. Får invitasjon i Outlook fra HR-fellestjenester.