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Publisering | Formidling og publisering - Ansatt

Publication Publication

Information on how you, as a researcher, can publish scientific work. Choosing a journal, support for publication and registration in Cristin.

Therefore, you need to plan your publishing activities. More than two million scientific articles are published each year. A well-thought-out publication strategy will help spread your research.

By making your research visible and accessible, you increase chances of your research being noticed, used, and having impact, thus increasing your own reputation and chances of success in your academic work.

  • OsloMet Policy for Scientific Publishing

    • OsloMet supports the principle that the results of publicly funded research should be openly accessible to all.
    • Researchers at OsloMet should publish in reputable journals, of high quality, in their research field.
      • OsloMet recommends publishing in open access journals in the choice between equivalent publishing channels in the research field.
    • For open publishing, authors should use standard open licenses, such as Creative Commons ( licenses. OsloMet recommends the Creative Commons license CC BY 4.0, which allows the freest possible reuse of scientific publications, at the same time as the author is credited.
    • All peer-reviewed scientific journal articles and peer-reviewed conference articles must be made available in OsloMet's open archive ODA (
    • OsloMet is committed to assessing research on its own merits with regard to quality, relevance and significance, in accordance with the principles of The San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment, DORA (, for hiring, promotion and award of doctoral degrees.
  • The publication process

  • Choose a journal

    The following metrics can help you make good decisions and to be selective and strategic when choosing journals:

  • Check the requirements of any external funder

    EU funding

    Researchers with EU-funded projects are required to make the research results publicly available, either by "gold" or "green" Open Access publishing. Scientific publications resulting from projects funded by the EU’s Research Framework Programmes - FP7 or Horizon 2020 - must:

    • Be self-archived in Cristin to a science archive like ODA
    • If possible be made available through this archive within 6 or 12 months, depending on the subject area.
    • Research results published in Open Access journals must also be archived.

    Funding from the Norwegian Research Council

    • Scientific journal articles resulting from projects fully or partly funded by the Research Council must be archived in an open electronic archive, either at the researcher’s institution or in a subject-specific open archive. The self-archived version must be approved by the journal's editorial staff for publishing (accepted version / post-print) and it must be identical to the final published article content-wise.
    • For journals within medicine, health and STM disciplines, the Research Council accepts the open access to by delayed with 6 months in relation to the original publication date. For journals within the disciplines of humanities and social sciences, the delay may be up to 12 months.
    • If articles resulting from projects fully or partly funded by the Research Council are not self-archived according to the principles of open access, the Research Council may withdraw funds until the relevant articles are self-archived.

    How to ensure compliance with the requirements

    • Deposit the published version and the final peer-reviewed manuscript as accepted for publication in Cristin as soon as possible and at the latest, on publication.
    • Use an author extension (e.g. Scholar's Copyright Addendum Engine) and include the contract with the publisher. In the author extension you can select the rights you want to keep, such as the right to self-archive the accepted version/postprint in the institutional archive.
    • Negotiate with the publisher after the publication. The university library may assist.
  • Consider Open Access

    Open Access publishing implies that your research results are disseminated for free via the internet. This way, you can reach a wider audience than if your results were published in subscription databases. Read more about why to choose Open Access.

    OsloMet has a support scheme for Open Access publishing to ensure that the Open Access publication fees do not hold back employees’ from publishing their research results.

  • Author address/crediting

  • Authorised publication channels

    It is not given that a journal lifts the quality of a scientific text. To ensure that the article is included in the funding system, always check the channel registry to see if the journal you wish to publish in is an approved channel. Scientific publications included in the funding system will go back to your department and help fund your research activity there.

    The Directorate for Higher Education and Skills ( is responsible for the registry of authorised publication channels (journals, series and publishing houses). This is the starting point for scientific publications that will be included in the funding system.

    Always check the Norwegian register for scientific journals, series and publishers ( to make sure that the journal / publishing house you plan to publish in is approved. You can also search for publication channels within your subject area to get tips for valid and reliable places to publish.

    • The ranking has two levels: Level 1 and Level 2 (especially high prestige).
      • Ordinary scientific channels are located on Level 1. The highest prestige channels are located on Level 2. These provide higher credit concerning the number of publication points.
      • Suggestions for new scientific publication channels (Level 1) are addressed to, and processed by, NSD.
      • Nominations for high international prestige channels (Level 2) are put forward in a separate process under the auspices of the National Publication Committee and national professional strategy bodies. The lists are revised annually. Information about this process can be found on the website of the National Publication Committee.
  • Resources

  • Contact

    Open access funding at OsloMet:

    OsloMets publiseringsfond

    OsloMet’s Institutional repository, ODA:

    ODA (

    OsloMet’s publishing platform for Open Access journals:

    OJS (

    Inquiries in relation to publishing processes, guidelines, and policies at OsloMet:
