Open Access | Formidling og publisering - Ansatt

Open Access Open Access

Open Access (OA) is a publishing model that provides free online access to research publications.

Open access to scientific articles can be achieved by three routes:

  • Publishing in Open Access journals or on Open Access platforms
  • Publication in journals included in transformative agreements 
  • Open archiving of an Author's Accepted Manuscript (AAM) without embargo
  • OsloMet Policy for Scientific Publishing

    • OsloMet supports the principle that the results of publicly funded research should be openly accessible to all.
    • Researchers at OsloMet should publish in reputable journals, of high quality, in their research field.
      • OsloMet recommends publishing in open access journals in the choice between equivalent publishing channels in the research field.
    • For open publishing, authors should use standard open licenses, such as Creative Commons licenses. OsloMet recommends the Creative Commons license CC BY 4.0, which allows the freest possible reuse of scientific publications, at the same time as the author is credited.
    • All peer-reviewed scientific journal articles and peer-reviewed conference articles must be made available in OsloMet's open archive ODA (
    • OsloMet is committed to assessing research on its own merits with regard to quality, relevance and significance, in accordance with the principles of The San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment, DORA (, for hiring, promotion and award of doctoral degrees.
  • Read your funder's OA Policy 

    Several research funders require the work to be Open Access in order to provide funding. Non-compliance with funding conditions could potentially affect future grants.

    • The Research Council: Open Science (
      • Calls for proposals in 2020 will stipulate that articles based on projects funded by the Research Council are to be made immediately accessible.
      • The Policy on Open Access to Research Data aims to ensure that research data are accessible to relevant users, on equal terms, and at the lowest possible cost. Projects that receive funding from the Research Council are to assess the need to draw up a data management plan. 
    • European Research Council (
      • Open access to published output of research and the basic principle of open access to research data is a fundamental part of the ERC mission.
    • European Commission (
    • Also
    • Plan S (
      • “With effect from 2021*, all scholarly publications on the results from research funded by public or private grants provided by national, regional and international research councils and funding bodies, must be published in Open Access Journals, on Open Access Platforms, or made immediately available through Open Access Repositories without embargo.”
    • Stiftelsen DAM (
      • Vitenskapelige artikler fra forskning finansiert av Stiftelsen Dams skal gjøres åpent tilgjengelige.
    • NordForsk (
      • The project’s research results are to be made available through open access within six (6) months of publication.
      • Research-generated data shall be considered available to the general public after the Project has been concluded, unless special circumstances indicate otherwise, or terms of contract or public regulations prevent it.
    • The SHERPA Juliet service ( also provides a searchable database of funders' policies and their requirements on open access, publication and data archiving.
  • Check if journal is compliant with funder's OA Policy

    1. Check that the journal you intend to publish in is compliant with your funder's OA Policy

    2. Publisher policies may be available via the SHERPA Romeo Service ( or you can contact the publisher directly.
    3. When submitting an article for publication an author may encounter a variety of agreements or licences. These licences define the rights that the author retains in their article and any subsequent use of that article.
    4. Whether retaining copyright or not, it is important to read publishing agreements carefully to check that they allow the final author manuscript (accepted version) to be self-archived in the Institutional Repository. Please keep a copy of all agreements signed with publishers/conference organisers as it may be useful to consult these for items you submit.
  • Publishing Licences

    a. Standard copyright transfer licence

    Terms will vary but this will generally assign copyright to the publisher. The majority of publisher agreements will now permit authors to deposit a version of their papers in repositories, although they may include an embargo period.

    b. Alternatives

    • Licence to publish: Although journal publishers often invite authors to sign a standard copyright assignment form, when asked if they have a “licence to publish” form, they may provide one. A licence to publish form should permit authors to retain copyright over the content of their work.
    • Adding an addendum: Other publishers may not have a “licence to publish” form; in such cases authors may add an addendum to the publisher’s assignment form in order to retain copyright over their work. Sources of text for the addendum are the SPARC addendum ( and the European Commission's addendum (
    • Open Access Publishing Agreements: These agreements usually permit the author to retain copyright and stipulate the distribution of the paper under a Creative Commons licence.
  • OA Publisher Deals and Discounts

    OsloMet is part of several national consortia deals with academic publishers (offsetting deals). Offsetting deals are exploratory models in the shift from subscription to OA publishing.

    Some deals offer discounts on article processing charges (APCs) while other deals cover the APCs in full. To be eligible for discounts or payment of the APC:

    • The corresponding author must be affiliated with OsloMet  
    • Register Oslo Metropolitan University as your affiliation during submission and/or when signing a publication agreement (can be referred to as "License Agreement", "Publishing Agreement", "publishing contract"). 

    Check OsloMet's agreements that use coverage for costs for open publishing or discounts.

    Agreements that include Open Access publishing or discounts (

  • Funding for publishing OA

    Check first if the journal is part of one of the Publisher Deals (

    If you want your research data published in a journal, you should check whether the journal is included in the financial system for scientific publications (

    Feel free to apply early in the publication process to allow for an easier and faster case processing.

  • Deposit your published outputs in OsloMet’s Open Repository

    The author archives (deposits) the published article or the final peer-reviewed manuscript in an online repository before, at the same time as, or after publication. Some publishers request that open access be granted only after an embargo period has elapsed.

    Upload a version of your research article in Cristin. Research results are made available in OsloMet's open repository, ODA, in compliance with copyright and licenses.

    See: OA Short Deposit Guide

  • Publishing in Open Access journals/books or on Open Access platforms

    Full Open Access journals: publication via publisher platforms, in full open access journals or full open access book. This route may involve a charge. The publication costs, known as ‘article processing charges’ (APCs for journals BPCs for books), are covered by authors or by their institutions. Most research funders support open access and are willing to cover the costs themselves. A list of fully open access journals that are accessible worldwide can be found on the DOAJ ( website and a list of open access books and book publishers can be found on DOAB (

    Open Access publishing step by step:

    1. If you are applying for research grants, be aware of the open access requirements, so that you can include the publishing costs in the total budget of your grant.
    2. Look for a gold open access channel within your subject field. The Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) ( provides an overview of open access journals, see DOAB ( for books.
    3. Choose an open access journal or publisher that is recognised in the Norwegian publication indicator ( model. See the Norwegian Centre for Research Data ( for authorised open publication channels on Level 1 or 2.
    4. Is there an article-processing charge? Make use of Open Access funding from OsloMet.
    5. Upload the published article to your institutional repository, via the Current Research Information System In Norway (CRISTIN). Log in to CRISTIN with your institutional username and password, and register your publication. Select 'Deliver full-text document', and follow the instructions.
    6. If there is no suitable gold open access journal within your research field, you should publish in a traditional subscription journal that allows online archiving in a repository (green open access). Most journals will allow you to make a peer-reviewed and accepted version of your article manuscript (a post-print) available online.

    Open Access platforms

    Open Access platforms are publishing platforms for the original publication of research output (such as Open Research Europe (, Wellcome Open Research ( or Gates Open Research ( where all peer-reviewed research articles are openly available.

  • Open Access advantages

    1. The institution becomes more visible and the published research results can be used for marketing of funding bodies and prospective students or employees.

      When a number of research institutions worldwide choose to publish Open Access, research results become a common good which may help accelerate research progress.

    2. Read more about why to choose Open Access.
    3. Read more about how to publish Open Access.
  • Open Access services at OsloMet



Publishing, Open Science Guidelines and Policies

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Need help to upload a file for your publication in Cristin (self-archiving)?

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OA Publisher Deals and Discounts. If an author is eligible for use of the OA publisher deals and discounts their publication is approved by the University Library

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Open Access Publish and Read Agreements

Open access funding at OsloMet

Url :
OsloMet's Publication Fund

For information about OsloMet’s open repository, ODA

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Url :
Open Digital Archive (ODA)

The University Library provides services and software that enable OsloMet faculty to publish online open access journals

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Scientific Open Access journals