This is how you hire

This is how you hire

To hire new staff is a process. Click through these pages to find out how you hire, make a needs assessment, advertise a job position, how you interview and process new employments.

Employment agreements

Employment agreements

  1. Guidance P360

  2. Ordinary employment agreements

  3. Regulations for assignment contracts

    Skal du ansette en medarbeider på timesbasis? For eksempel timelærer eller en studentassistent? Eller opprette en oppdragkontrakt for utbetaling av honorar til en gjesteforeleser? Her finner du informasjon retningslinjer og regelverk, og hvordan du bestiller.

  4. Assignment contracts

    Her finner du informasjon om hvem som skal ha kontrakter i denne løsningen og hvordan du oppretter kontrakt til dem, både timelønnete arbeidstakere og oppdragstagere som mottar honorar.

  5. Budget allocation authority (BDM)

    Ved ansettelse av ledere eller andre som skal ha budsjettdisponeringsmyndighet må det opprettes en  fullmakt. Budsjettdisponeringsfullmakt gir ansatte myndighet til å disponere midler på universitetets vegne. Den som tildeles BDM plikter og å sette seg inn i hva dette innebærer. Se mer informasjon om fullmakter

    Hvis personen som skal ansettes skal ha BDM er det viktig at følgende skjema fylles ut (excel).

    Andre relevante skjemaer relatert til økonomi,lønn og regnskap

  6. Tools for HR

  7. Guest researchers

    If you wish to invite in a guest researcher, an international PHD-student or someone else who is not on a payed contract at OsloMet it is important that the collaboration has a professional relevance and value for OsloMet, see the check-list and follow routines as described below. In some cases, there will be special security needs that must be taken into account. Therefore, contact your immediate manager and the unit's HR manager already in the planning phase so that you can make the necessary clarifications together.

    OsloMet International Staff Services (OMISS) should always be involved in the process of inviting international guest researchers in order to guarantee a good on-boarding and assist with the relocation process. Contact or by filling in this online form so that we have the necessary information to assist.

    Checklist for receiving guest researchers at OsloMet

    • If the guest researcher is to physically come to OsloMet, they must have a workplace and an office agreement. The agreement can be found in the teams group International recruitment.
    • If the guest researcher is only to be associated digitally, they must sign an "individual work agreement".  The agreement can be found in the teams group International recruitment.
    • Does the guest researcher come from a country from where security measurements is necessary? Contact omiss@oslomet.o or the network for responsible internationalization for advice. We strongly advice to complete a risk- and vulnerability assessment in order to decide  to formalize the invitation. You can use OsloMet's template for risk assessment, or contact for a template customized for invitation of guest researcher.
    • If the guest researcher comes from a high-risk country, a background check is mandatory.
    • How will the guest researcher's stay be financed? Funding can be from a scholarship, from their institution, from a research project or from own saved funds. This information must be clearly stated in the invitation letter, archived in P360, as well as when registering access to OsloMet's systems and research databases via Service Now. Before the invitation is sent, it must be clarified whether the visiting researcher has sufficient funds for his/her stay in Norway. Separate rates are stated per year on the UDI website (
    • Ensure sufficient English level, both oral and written.  Recommendation for a minimum C1 level of English.

    Contact the OsloMet International Staff Services - OMISS for practical assistance with on-boarding, housing, visas, as well as questions about family.

    Guest researchers from outside the EU who will be staying longer than 3 months must apply for a residence permit from the police before starting at OsloMet.

    Routine for inviting and receiving guest researchers

    The following documents must be signed by the manager and guest researcher and filed in P360 at the same time, by the HR advisor:

    • Letter of invitation - guest researchers, regardless of country affiliation, must have a letter of invitation signed by a manager with budget allocation authority (BDM) that shows connection to the department and research project as well as the source of funding. Templates can be found  in the teams group International recruitment.
    • Non-disclosure agreement - all guest researchers must sign a non-disclosure agreement which you can find on our recruitment pages and in the teams group International recruitment.
    • Office agreement - guest researchers who will be physically present at OsloMet must sign an agreement for office space. This is in the Microsoft Teams group International recruitment.
    • ID documents must be collected. For international guest researchers, only passports are accepted as valid ID.
    • Background check - Background check is ordered via “Min bestilling” on our website, select the "background check" tab, and is covered by the receiving unit. Completed background check reports must be archived.

    In addition, the following routines must be carried out:

    • All guest reseachers at OsloMet must use OsloMet's proper IT-equipment throughout the entire stay at our institution.

    • Everyone, regardless of digital or physical participation, must read and understand the security instructions.

    • Guest researchers must have limited access to our systems and databases and be registered by local HR in the Service Now access system with a guest account with a start and end date, as well as information on the source of funding for the stay. Registration of guest researchers in Service Now applies regardless of length of stay.

    • If guest researchers are to have access to laboratories, this must be clarified with the immediate manager and ordered via the access system BAS by local HR.