Booking your trip

Booking your trip

All travel must be booked via OsloMets travel agency Berg-Hansen. Please see OsloMets Travel guidelines below.

Book your trip

Book your trip

  1. Book online

    You can book plane and train tickets, hotel rooms and car rental online yourself using Berg-Hansen's travel portal or in the travel app. You will also find all of your previous trips in the travel portal

    Before booking

    • Add your credit card details. Your profile is already registered in the travel portal.
    • Your superior must approve the trip before you book.

     Book online

    Do you need help?

    Contact your local travel contact person (login required).

    Not at OsloMet/on campus?

    If you are not on campus, you will need to connect your computer to VPN to log on to Berg-Hansen's travel portal.

    See guidelines for VPN connection.

  2. Book via Berg-Hansen app

    Note! Add your credit card details to your profile in the travel portal before you book a trip in the app. 

    Download the app

    It is a good idea to download the Berg-Hansen app before your journey starts so you have access to your tickets and all necessary travel information. 

    1. Go to Webgate, Berg-Hansen's online portal, from your computer the first time via FEIDE here:

    2. Download the Berg-Hansen app

    • Download app from App Store for iOS or
    • Download app from Google Play for Android

    3. Log into the app

    FEIDE does not work in the app, so you must create a password to use the first time you log in together with the seven-digit username you found in you profile on your computer.

    4. Set a password for the app

    • Enter your seven-digit username
    • Click "Forgot username and/or password"
    • Follow the instructions sent to your e-mail
    • Set your own password for the app.

    Download the app and learn to use it on Berg-Hansen's webpage.

    Do you need help?

    Contact your local contact person for travel (must log in).

  3. Individual travel

    In the travel portal (Webgate), you have access to ticket prices with traditional airlines and OsloMet’s special agreement prices. Low-fare companies (Flyr, Ryan Air) cannot be booked via Berg-Hansen and should therefore not be used.

    The trip will be charged to the credit card you have entered in your profile. You will be charged a booking fee.

    Booking by telephone or e-mail

    See Berg-Hansen's contact details below on this page.

    For security reasons you must call from a telephone number or write from the e-mail address that is registered in your profile in Webgate.

    When booking by telephone or e-mail you must enter the unit's booking code (login required).

    Invoice payment for travel

    If you cannot charge the individual travel to your credit card, you will need to be granted an invoice profile by Berg-Hansen.

    Read more about application for invoice profile under payment methods.

  4. Booking for others

    It is possible to book trips for other employees in the portal, either through the role of a dedicated travel booker, or by permitting a specified colleague to book a trip for you, for example if you want to follow the same itinerary. 

    Please note:If you are not a dedicated travel booker but wish to book through the portal on behalf of a colleague, he or she must have added their credit card details. 

    Booking for others in the portal – dedicated travel bookers 

    Travel bookers are automatically authorised to book trips for others through the portal. 

    Travel bookers can also book trips for people who do not have profiles, such as guests and other external parties.See the list of travel bookers/contact persons for travel. 

    Booking for others outside the travel portal 

    Group trips for ten persons or more should normally be booked by a travel booker at the faculty/unit. 

    Group travel can be booked by contacting the travel agency; see the section on Group travel. 

    It is also possible to book for other employees by phone or email. The person you are booking for must have added their credit card details or applied to their manager for an invoice profile. 

    All employees, and external parties themselves, can book trips for external parties by email or phone and arrange for an invoice to be sent to OsloMet, rather than booking through the portal. To complete the booking, the person booking must enter a valid booker code and the name of a contact person at OsloMet (the person who has invited them). This information will be stated on the invoice. 

    Travel information by email 

    Berg-Hansen will send the itinerary by email to the person travelling, regardless of who has booked the trip.

  5. Group travel

    Group travel is when 10 or more persons travel together. Berg-Hansen’s group department will book plane tickets, hotels and conference hall premises etc. for seminars and conferences.  

    Group travel for less than 10 persons can be booked by your local travel booker (login required) in Webgate. When booking for less than 10 persons, each traveller must pay with their own credit card. OsloMet will receive an invoice if the traveller has an invoice profile.

    For more information, see section "Booking for others".

    Provide the following information when booking group travel 

    To save money, try being less specific in the enquiry and leave it to the travel agency to find good offers from among their partners. 

    • Flights: any requests for a specific airline, direct or with flight transfers, flight times on the outbound/return flights on the selected days for travel and whether everyone should travel together. 

    • Hotels: the hotel standard, requests for the location, room arrangements (single/double rooms, need for meeting room, other special needs). 

    • Transport: transfer to the hotel/restaurant etc. 

    • Activities/sightseeing: any requests for types of activities. 

    • Restaurants: standard/type of cuisine, location requests, type of menu. 

    • Budget: feel free to state your budget for the trip. 

    Contact Berg-Hansen’s customer service by e-mail or telephone +47 21 02 45 50. 

    Travel account and invoicing group travel

    OsloMet’s travel account/invoicing solution is based on an agreement with Diner’s Club. Group travel is charged to the university’s travel account. 

    You will be informed about the terms and conditions, such as deposits and cancellation, when you book/the trip is confirmed. 

  6. Conferences (in Norwegian)

    OsloMet har opsjon på den statlige avtalen med Berg-Hansen for booking av konferanser og arrangementer. Opsjonen er ikke-eksklusiv. Dette betyr at dersom man skal arrangere en konferanse kan man enten:

    1) Innhente tilbud fra 3 hoteller/aktører selv ved å kontakte dem og gi dem samme opplysninger om behovet. Da kontakter man ikke Berg-Hansen.

    2) Bruke Berg-Hansens avdeling for Meetings & Events. Da innhenter de tilbud fra 3 aktører, så langt det er mulig. For at Berg-Hansen skal ha mulighet til å innhente tilbud er de avhengige av at de har fått henvendelsen i god tid og av tilgjengelighet hos hotellene. Av og til er man låst med tanke på datoer og da krever dette god planlegging. Booking og tilbudsinnhenting via Berg-Hansen er en gebyrbelagt tjeneste - spør dem om kostnaden. Det lønner seg å ikke være låst når det gjelder lokasjon.

    Se også nettsider for Kurs og konferansesenteret dersom arrangementet skal finne sted i OsloMets lokaler.

  7. Hotel agreements

    Universities Norway’s procurement committee has entered into parallel framework agreements for the whole higher education sector for hotel accommodation in Norway. 

    Partners under the agreement

    • Thon Hotels AS 
    • Scandic Hotels AS 
    • Nordic Choice Commercial Services AS
    • Best Western Hotels AS
    • First Hotel AS 

    Information about prices 

    Prices under the agreement are given in the travel agency’s search engine. For information about prices etc., please contact the person responsible for travel/procurements at your faculty or unit, or use the search function in the portal, which is the travel agency’s online booking solution. 

    Hotels must be booked through the travel agency, Berg-Hansen. The agreements only apply to individual accommodation and not to group travel or seminars. 

    Group travel 

    For group travel, please contact the travel agency to receive an offer for a package deal. 

    Seminars/meeting rooms 

    If you need a meeting room for a seminar, with or without accommodation, you can contact the partners directly and ask for an offer. 

    The travel agency can also provide offers for meeting rooms and hotels. The fixed prices for individual accommodation mentioned above do not apply in such case.

  8. Tog-bestilling

    Togbilletter bestiller du ved å logge deg inn i Webgate.

    Tog i Norge og Sverige​

    Berg-Hansen tilbyr togbilletter i Norge og Sverige på strekninger som trafikkeres av Vy, SJ Nord, SJ, Go-Ahead Nordic samt MTR. ​SJ-løsningen er dessverre under utvikling for øyeblikket, men kommer tilbake etter hvert.

    • Togbilletter i Norge og Sverige søkes opp og bestilles online under fanen «Tog».​

    • På strekninger hvor tog er et hensiktsmessig alternativ til fly, vil dette bli informert om over flyavgangene i flysøket.​

    Tog i Europa​

    Hos Berg-Hansen kan det også bestilles togbilletter til europeiske destinasjoner, med selskapet Eurostar og via Accessrail. ​

    • Eurostar kan bestilles på strekninger til/fra London og Paris, Amsterdam og Brussel.​

    • Accessrail tilbyr tog innenlands i Tyskland, Italia, Østerrike, Storbritannia, Spania, Tsjekkia og Frankrike,​

    • Togbilletter i Europa søkes opp og bestilles online under fanen «Fly». Her er togavganger markert med et togsymbol, og blir listet opp sammen med eventuelle flyavganger.​

    • Tog i utlandet kan ikke bestilles via kundeservice hos Berg-Hansen, kun via Webgate under "Fly".​

    For generelle spørsmål om tog, kontakt Berg-Hansen:  ​

  9. Airport shuttle buses and trains

    Airport shuttle bus

    OsloMet has an agreement with Norgesbuss AS (, which gives a 25 % discount on single journeys on the buses that travel between Holbergs plass and Oslo Airport Gardermoen (the city centre and Oslo airport), on the routes FB2 and FB5. 

    The discount only applies to two routes: FB2 and FB5 and only for tickets purchased on board. 

    You will need to show your employee ID and tell the driver that OsloMet has a customer agreement when purchasing tickets on board. 

    You can also purchase tickets in the Airport shuttle bus online shop or in the app (discount on return journey), to receive a 20% discount. The price is in principle lower if you purchase the ticket on board. The app Flybussen Oslo must be downloaded in advance and the discount code: OSLOMET2018 must be used. 

    Oslo Airport Express train 

    Tickets for the Oslo Airport Express train ( can be purchased online or ticket machines before boarding. You can also travel without a ticket by swiping your credit card at the ticket barrier. There is no employee discount on the Oslo Airport Express. 


    Vy does not offer employee discounts on train tickets. Regional trains (Norway and Sweden) can be booked through the travel portal or via a travel consultant (fees apply). Please contact the travel agency if you have questions.

  10. Air travel (in Norwegian)

    DFØ v/Statens Innkjøpssenter har inngått felles avtaler for staten med 7 forskjellige flyselskaper på de vanligste flystrekningene som benyttes på tjenestereiser. Avtalene dekker 327 utvalgte strekninger med 629 tilhørende avtaleområder. 

    Prisene er basert på en rabatt som trekkes fra den endelige prisen ved bestillingstidspunktet: De rabatterte prisene oppnås kun ved bestilling via Webgate - Berg-Hansen bestillingsportal.

  11. Car rental (in Norwegian)

    DFØ v/Statens Innkjøpssenter har inngått felles avtaler for staten med 3 leverandører (Avis, Sixt og Hertz) for leie av personbil og varebil/nyttekjøretøy. Avtaleprisene for personbil ligger i Webgate og er merket med "A", og skal kun bestilles via reisebyrået. Spør reisebyrået eller din lokale kontaktperson for reiser for bestilling av leiebil i Webgate.

    Varebil og andre nyttekjøretøy bestilles direkte fra leverandørene. Spør din kontaktperson for reiser eller innkjøper om priser det dette.

    All bruk av leiebil skal være forhåndsgodkjent av nærmeste leder.

Conferences and events

Kontaktpunkter reise

Contact travel agency

Contacts for travel

Questions about travel settlements or other travel related topics?

Faculties and the Administration

Url :
Contacts for travel

Contact invoice support