Lønn | Lønn og refusjoner - Ansatt


template.back.to.overview Salary

Information on salary, payments, advances in salary, overtime and holiday pay.

To ensure simple and handy access to your pay slip, work hours registration, holiday applications etc., download the DFO app (dfo.no).

  • Payment of salary

    Fixed salary and salary for part-time employees

    Fixed salary and salary for part-time teachers are paid on the 12th of each month. If this date falls on a weekend or a public holiday, payment is made on the first previous working day.

    Salary following invoices and salary in the form of remuneration is paid at the end of the month.

    NB! If you discover errors or missing payments, contact your local HR section.

    Hourly paid employees

    Hourly paid employees must submit digital time sheets through the DFO app. See "Submitting digital time sheets", below. If time sheets are submitted and approved by the first working day of the month, payment will be made by the 12th of the same month. 

    New employees

    New employees who start working before the 12th will normally be paid within the same month. If the date of employment is after the 12th, the salary will be paid the following month.

    Travel settlements

    Travel settlements are paid once a week provided that the travel expenses account has been submitted and approved in the SAP portal. 

    Annual report and accounts

    The annual report and accounts (“årssammenstilling”) is available in the SAP portal.

    Advances in salary

    Advances in salary are only granted under special circumstances and following approval of application.

    Completed application for advances in salary (.docx) must be sent to the Department of Human Resources where they will be processed separately.

    Usually it is only when purchasing a house that you can apply for up to two months' salary paid in advance. The basis of the application must be documented, for example by attaching a purchase contract.

    The advance in salary is interest-free. The interest benefit of the advance in salary is subject to tax if the advance exceeds 3/5th of the basic national insurance amount or the repayment period is longer than one year.

    For more information on payment of salary in advance see the Employee Handbook (compendia.no).

  • Your pay slip and how to read it

  • Information for foreign recipients of salary and renumeration

  • Deadlines for payroll

    Travel expense claims and expense reimbursements

    Must be submitted in the SAP portal by Wednesday 11 December 2024.

    All travel expense claims for 2023 must be submitted by Wednesday 4 December 2024. 

    If the expense claims are approved by December 16, will be paid on 19 December.

    Payments to employees

    Time sheets, overtime, etc. must be submitted in the SAP portal by 27 November 2024.

    If approved by 4 December, paid on 12 December.

    Payments to contract assignees

    Must be submitted in the SAP portal or sent to variabellonn@oslomet.no by 10 December.

    Will be paid on 18 December.

  • Hiring and employment contracts (TOA)

    The payroll section is responsible for employment contracts for hourly-paid employees and contractors, and payments to them.


    For hourly-paid employees and contractors who are to start working / contractual relationships in the autumn semester (August-September), contract orders must be sent in the SAP portal by 20th June.

    For work / assignment relationships that start working in the spring semester, contract orders must be sent in the SAP portal by 20th November.

    We process all orders continuously according to our capacity, and can not guarantee that orders sent after the deadlines will be processed by the start of the semester.

  • Submitting digital time sheets

  • Salary earned abroad

    Salaries earned abroad are specifically reported to the Norwegian Tax Agency. It is therefore important that Section for Payroll is notified of employees who have received a scholarship abroad and thus have salary earnings abroad.

    When confirmation letters are sent to employees about foreign scholarships, set Section of Payroll as a copy recipient.

    Alternatively, please send information regarding scholarships, recipients, amounts and scholarships periods to lonn@oslomet.no.

  • Remuneration

    Remunerations are additional payments to the monthly salary. 

    Remunerations in the SAP portal is also used for overtime.

  • Travel expense account

  • Advance payment

    Advance payments are only granted in special cases. 

  • Holiday pay ("feriepenger")

    OsloMet calculates the holiday pay in June each year on the basis of the previous year's salary.

    The part of the holiday pay that exceeds your ordinary salary during the holidays – the holiday pay supplement – will be disbursed together with your salary for June.

    All your days off must be reported to the manager and registered.

    Check the quota overview in the SAP portal to get to know how many holiday days you have at your disposal at any time.

  • Overtime and "mertid"

    Overtime must be imposed and controllable. An explanation of the reason for overtime must be written into the registration using the comment field.

    Payment for overtime work normally occurs two months after the application is sent. This is dependent on acceptance from your personnel manager and can therefore be subject to delays.

    • Technical and administrative staff register overtime work in the SAP portal.
    • Scientific staff applies for overtime pay using "Remunerations" in the SAP portal/DFØ-app. According to the Norwegian Working Environment Act (lovdata.no) (arbeidsmiljøloven) it must be documented that  normal working hours has been fulfilled before overtime can be claimed. This is documented by using the Working Hours form (UF) (excel) (the form is only in Norwegian). The form must be approved by your manager. Please provide a signed/approved copy of the form with the "Remuneration" in the SAP portal, or supply a written confirmation of approval.
    • See instructions on how to apply for overtime (.docx).
    • If you have a salary table card, tax will be deducted for overtime according to the table. The tax table is progressive - the higher the amount, the higher the tax.
    • Compensatory time off may be given hour by hour by agreement with your manager. In this case you will be paid the overtime supplement.
  • Submitting forms to Payroll

    Forms that contain personal information and are "attestert and anvist" (approved by administration and manager) are to be sendt in P360 to Seksjon for lønn.

    Forms that are to be approved and "attestert" by the joint service office for payroll can be sent by FileSender (filesender.sikt.no) to variabellonn@oslomet.no. The forms are encrypted by using FileSender.

  • Useful links

