Kontrakt på timelønn og oppdrag/honorar - Ansatt

Employment contracts for hourly paid employees and assignment agreements

Employment contracts for hourly paid employees and assignment agreements

The following provides information regarding contracts for hourly paid employees and for external assignment contractors who receive remuneration.
  • Which contract type should you choose?

    These must have an hourly wage contract

    • Hourly paid teacher
    • Student Assistant
    • Scientific assistant on hourly contract (not monthly paid vit.ass)
    • Employees on retirement terms
    • Others with short, repeated tasks
    • Internal censorship, correction, guidance (see note below)

    These must have an assignment contract

    • External censorship, correction, guidance (see note below). 
    • Assessment of doctoral degree, dissertation and disputation
    • Assessment of competence promotion
    • Assessment of applicants for scientific positions
    • Members of boards, councils and committees
    • Payment for meeting attendance
    • Guest lecturer
    • Seminar assignments

    NB: Some assignments can be both an hourly wage contract and an assignment contract, depending on whether it is an employment relationship or an assignment relationship. The payroll department assesses which form of affiliation and which type of contract is used in such cases. The criteria for assessments can be found here (PDF, in Norwegian)

    External examiners / sensors of exam answers are handled by the study departments and are not be handled with TOA in the SAP portal.

  • Important difference between hourly paid teacher and a guest lecturer

    An agreement as an hourly paid teacher must be established when the assignment is lectures that are a necessary for the students to take the exam. An hourly paid teacher is an employee who is paid ordinary wages, is entitled to holiday pay, sick pay and a pension report.

    An hourly paid employee can be hired for up to 15 hours per week / in a 37.5 percent position. This is calculated on average throughout the employment period, but not more than one year when hiring a teacher. If you need an employee in a position larger than 37.5 percent, you cannot create such an agreement. Contact HR at your faculty/unit for assistance with employment.

    A guest lecturer is individual lectures or shorter lecture series that are not essential for students to take the exam. The guest lecturer is a contractor who receives the remuneration as a fee (salary or industry). It is important that the assessment of the type of assignment in question is made before the teacher / guest lecturer is contacted.

  • How to order a contract?

    You can order a contract via DFØ self service (dfo.no) or by using the DFØ app (dfo.no)  

    Follow these guidelines: 

    NB: Please note the additional information below regarding contract orders at OsloMet. 

    Due to the provisions on impartiality in The Public Administration Act § 6, contracts cannot be ordered by the same person that the contract employs. Contracts must be ordered by a person above the employee/assignee in the OsloMet hierarchy. 

    Important information

    Below you will find additional information about certain fields in the form.  

    • Remember to select work tasks under the section "Tasks". Your order cannot be processed without this information. Use the comment field to enter the agreed assignment and delivery   

    • When choosing an hourly contract, you must fill in the number of hours (maximum limits of the contract). If the hourly wage is to record hours by factor, state the total number of hours by factor. E.g.: 150 h * factor 2 = 300 hours. Factor is often relevant when time is allocated to teaching preparation. Note that as of today, only one factor can be set per agreement. 

    • Agreed salary conditions, pay grades, remuneration etc. must be stated in the comments field 

    • Cost assignment: Click "Other" and fill in the Cost center and “K-element 4” (“arbeidsordre”) to specify where labour costs should be charged. If this is left on "Standard", it will be charged on your organizational unit.  When the contract has been processed, it is sent to the person with budgetary authority (BDM) for the cost centre registered on the contract. Then the contract is sent to the employee/assignment contractor for signing.  

    • Don't change organizational units if you have more options available, as it causes the workflow to fail. The "Organizational unit" field is filled in with the organizational unit where you are employed. The payroll unit staff set the appropriate organizational unit for hourly paid employees and contractors.  

    The above information is required for the payroll unit to process your contract order. If the correct information is not provided, the contract order will be returned to the person ordering the contract. 

    Order status

    You can follow the status of your order in the self service solutions (DFØ app or SAP self-serviceportal).

    • Utkast - the agreement is temporarily stored, but not forwarded from the customer
    • Hos saksbehandler - the agreement has been sent to the case officer in OsloMet (at the payroll department contact variabellonn@oslomet.no)
    • For signering - the contract has been processed by the case officer, approved by BDM and sent for signing by the hourly wage or contractor
    • Slettet - the contract is deleted in the workflow, either because the contract has been replaced by a new contract or because the recipient has refused
    • Ferdig - the contract is posted in the payroll system

    Contracts where supplements have been agreed

    Hourly teachers submit timesheets under "My contracts" and must submit claims for supplements (Saturday/Sunday supplement, morning/evening supplement and nighttime compensation) with the function “Remuneration” in the DFØ-app/self service portal. The surcharge is not hours worked and should not count towards the total limits of the contract. This will result in an excessively high FTE percentage if the supplement is regarded as extra hours. 

    Which additions have been agreed need to be stated in the comment field for agreement order. Without this information, the staff at the payroll unit cannot know whether an additional supplement has been agreed upon, and cannot approve. The person with budget authority must also be informed that the costs will be higher than the hourly rate indicates. If possible, the person who orders the contract must specify the extent of the weekend surcharges to be paid on contract. 

  • System access and user account at OsloMet

    When contracts for hourly paid employees and contractors have been processed, signed by the recipient and registered in the payroll system, their user account is created. 

    The user will receive an email with a link to tilgang.sikt.no, asking them to activate their user account. The account can be activated the day before the start date in SAP, if the contract has been processed and signed by this date.  

    There is no longer a need to order access to IT systems, special rooms, etc. in the contract orders. 

    NB! Access is terminated when the work/contract expires. Access cannot be extended without an extended work/assignment agreement.

  • Deadlines – contract orders

    We try to process all orders and questions within 10 working days. During periods of high demand, the processing time will be a bit longer. We recommend that you place your order well in advance of the employment / contractual relationship.

    The following deadlines apply to contracts for the start of the semester

    Autumn semester

    Hourly wage and assignment agreements starting with the autumn semester must be ordered in the SAP portal by 20th June.

    Spring semester

    Hourly wage and assignment agreements starting with the spring semester must be ordered in the SAP portal by 20th November.

  • Employment of student assistants or research assistants

    Student assistant

    Student assistants can be hired temporarily with a working time of 15 hours per week (60 hours per month = 37.5 per cent position) A student assistant cannot be hired for more than six months without a public announcement. The student assistant employed must be an active student at OsloMet.

    Salary conditions

    The following pay conditions shall be applied:

    1. Standard rate is salary grade 28
    2. Students with a bachelors degree: salary grade 32
    3. Students on a two-year master's degree/or on the last two years of a five-year master's degree: salary grade 32
    4. Students with a completed master's degree: salary grade 51

    Students with completed higher academic education - meaning completed master's degree - are to be paid in salary grade 51 according to the main tariff agreements: LO-YS-Uni § 5 b 1 and Academics § 3, 2nd paragraph.

    MERK: Bestillingen i SAP-portalen ber om "Utdanningsnivå eller realkompetanse". Her skal det velges "Bachelor" kun for studenter som har avlagt bachelorgrad. For studenter på bachelorutdanning, som ikke har oppnådd en grad, velges "<3 års høyere utdanning".

    NOTE: The contract form in the SAP portal asks for "Education level or prior learning". Here, "Bachelor" must be selected only for students who have completed a bachelor's degree. For students in bachelor's education, who have not obtained a degree, choose "<3 years of higher education".

    Wages are stated in NOK in the employment contracts.

    Position code

    Student assistants are employed in position code “1069 Førstefullmektig”.

    Research assistants

    Work tasks for research assistant

    • Project work

    • Interview

    • Seminar/teaching in groups

    • Research assistance

    • Artistic assistance

    • Other

    The list is not exhaustive.

    Research assistant job codes

    • SKO 1018 can be used for students without a bachelor's degree

    • SKO 1019 presupposes completion of bachelor's degree

    • SKO 1020 presupposes master's degree

    Research assistants vs. student assistants

    A research assistant is a fixed-term position and should be employed on monthly salary with announcement, but may also be employed on part-time and hourly wages (up to 37,5 % position or maximum 6 months without a public announcement.)

    At OsloMet, student assistants must be appointed in position code “1069 “førstefullmektig”. Student assistants cannot be hired with position code 1018 - 1020 “vitenskapelig assistant”. It is essential to keep these types of positions separate from each other.

    In the absence of a separate position code in the state Main Tariff Agreement for student assistants, these have often been paid in job codes for research assistants. This is not correct and has unfortunate consequences for employers and employees. The reporting statistic in DBH is not correct, and student assistants who are paid in the job code for research assistants may lose the opportunity to later take such assignments, as a result of the limitation of 2 years of employment as a research assistant.

    Student assistants with administrative tasks must be paid in accordance with the general job codes in the collective agreement. This will lead to more correct reporting of educational positions (auxiliary positions) in DBH, reporting more correctly on the use of temporary and fixed-term positions, and avoiding the problem of maximum 2 years of employment.

  • Approving or rejecting contract proposals (for managers with budget authority)

    Approval of the contracts is carried out by the approving manager/person with budget allocation authority for the budget unit and work order registered on the employment contract. It is recalled here of the provisions of the Public Administration Act on impartiality, see section 6 of the Public Administration Act and OsloMet's procedures for impartiality in connection with appointments.

    You will find contract proposals in the DFØ APP and in DFØ self-service portal The contracts will be in the inbox (“Innkurv”)

    See the guidelines from DFØ on how to approve contracts:

  • Payment as business income

    Not all assignments to OsloMet can be paid to a personal enterprise. 

    The remuneration cannot be paid through the teacher's personal enterprise, if the assignment is a necessary part of the teaching for our students.

    OsloMet may be checked afterwards if we have assessed the assignment correctly.  If we receive a book audit and an incorrect assessment is discovered, we must calculate and collect contributions from employer's national insurance contributions and taxes for the person concerned.  This is in addition to the fact that we have paid a much higher hourly rate as business income. As an employer, OsloMet is obliged to report this correctly.

    If the payment is to be made as a business income/ invoice , an agreement with the following template must be created:

    You also need to attach a completed version of this form: Assessment form - salary or business income? (in Norwegian)

    These templates are only to be used when payment is to be made as business income. The invoice must be sent afterwards to OsloMet's electronic invoice address (EHF invoice) 997058925.

  • Practical information - for the contract recipient

  • Contact information

    If you have questions about specific contracts, please contact variabellonn@oslomet.no