Lokale lønnsforhandlinger | Medbestemmelse - Ansatt

Local salary negotiations

template.back.to.overview Local salary negotiations

Here you will find information about local wage negotiations at OsloMet. Local wage negotiations pursuant to clause 2.5.1 of the Main Collective Agreements are, depending on the central result, normally carried out at the end of October. Salary negotiations on a special basis, clause 2.5.3 of the Main Collective Agreements, are conducted 2 to 3 times a year.

The Basic Collective Agreement for the Civil Service

There are two different collective agreements (HTA) at OsloMet:

There are essentially two types of local wage negotiations;

  • 2.5.1 negotiations - annual negotiations and

  • 2.5.3 Negotiations - negotiations on special grounds

These have been given their "name" after which point in the main collective agreements in the state (regjeringen.no) state they are found.

At OsloMet, traditionally separate 2.5.1 negotiations are conducted in the two agreement areas. On 2.5.3 negotiations, joint negotiations are conducted.

See also OsloMet's agreed salary policy with appendices, which provide guidelines for the work on wage policy at OsloMet

  • About 2.5.1 negotiations - the annual wage negotiations

    2.5.1 negotiations - the annual wage negotiations

    Wage negotiations in the state are a process that takes place in three stages:

    1. The main settlement is the central negotiations between the state at the Ministry of Local Government and District (KDD) on the one hand and the unions under the individual agreement area on the other. It is only in connection with this part of the settlement that the parties - both the unions and the employers' party - are allowed to use means of industrial action such as strikes or lockouts. Every other year there is a "main settlement" where you negotiate both the wording of the main collective agreements and how much money is to be distributed, and every other year there is an "intermediate settlement" which mainly deals with how much money is to be distributed and the distribution centrally and locally.
      The value of the individual salary steps for the LO-YS-agreement area are adjusted here.
    2. The adjustment settlement also takes place between the central parties. Here, salary limits and what applies to entire job groups or job codes change.
    3. The local wage settlement is the last step in the process and it usually takes place in the autumn.
      The central parties distribute a share of the total settlement locally. In addition, the local employer party can inject funds.

    Key points about this year’s salary negotiations

    Information about the central salary negotiation can be found on the Norwegian government's website (in Norwegian).

    Date of effect

    If you receive a pay rise in the 2.5.1-negotiations, the promotion takes effect from 1 May 2023.

    Outcome of negotiations

    The result will be published when the negotiations have been concluded and the final protocols have been signed by the parties.


    Be aware that there is a duty of confidentiality regarding everything that emerges during wage negotiations. Neither managers nor employee representatives can refer to what has been discussed during the negotiations.  Only the final protocol is public.

    About requirements for the local 2.5.1 negotiations

    In the pre-meetings, the local parties agrees on dates and deadlines, etc.


    There are no restrictions on what kind of arguments can be put forward in favour of the individual employee in the 2.5.1 negotiations. However, the parties at OsloMet have agreed on which arguments we consider to be most relevant in Appendix 2 to our agreed wage policy - Assessment criteria for local negotiations.

    Deadline for submitting pay claims for the 2.5.1 local salary negotiations 

    In the pre-meetings, the local parties agrees on dates and deadlines. If you plan to submit a pay claim contact your trade union representative for information, unless you have already received information about this.

    How much should you claim?

    The parties will agree on claims for the individual requirements in pre-meetings held before the negotiations are to be carried out. These claims will be published when the parties have agreed.

    The employers and trade unions have agreed that the time that has passed since your last salary assessment as well as the size of your previous promotion, are important factors when it comes to determining how your pay claim is prioritized. 

    Wage development and salary level at OsloMet

    Statistics on the current salary level and the recent years’ wage developments will be published as soon as the statistics are ready. NB: You must be logged in to open the documents.

    Assessment criteria

    Learn about the assessment criteria for the local negotiations in OsloMet's pay policy. Here you can see what the employer and the trade unions place particular emphasis on in connection with wage changes or promotion. Feel free to use these assessment elements when writing your pay claim.

    How to write your claim

    • Short and accurate claims are preferred. The claim should be of one page and no more than two pages including personal details.
    • Do not submit your CV or literature lists with the claim. All claims received by the employer will be submitted to the immediate manager, who expresses his/her opinion. The manager is already required to know about relevant work experience, research work and the like. It will therefore not be necessary to document everything in the claim.
    • Use the forms below:

    Pay claim forms

    Pay claims should be put forward in these standardized forms. All forms are currently only available in Norwegian.

  • About 2.5.3 negotiations - negotiations on a separate basis

    2.5.3 negotiations - negotiations on a separate basis

    There are three annual rounds of the 2.5.3 negotiations - in February, June and October or December. The deadlines for submitting pay rise claims is the beginning of January, May and September or November respectively.

    Employees must contact their union to find out the deadline for making demands for these negotiations. Managers must contact local HR.

    Claims put forward according to negotiations on a separate basis (2.5.3 - negotiations)

    This provision must have one (or more) of the following three reasons:

    • The duties of the position have changed significantly.
      The change must be qualitative – i.e. the duties are of a different nature than previously. That your workload has increased is not a valid change. Furthermore, the change must large to the extent where it can no longer be considered a natural development of the job. The higher the qualification degree is for your position, the more new tasks you will have to tolerate without counting on a salary increase.
    • You have done an extraordinary effort in your job.
    • This far more than just working hard and doing your share of the workload in an everyday life characterised by seasonal ups and downs. You must have done something beyond what an employer would normally expect of you. This will normally be rewarded with a time limited bonus (kronetillegg) instead of a permanent pay rise in the form of a salary grade promotion.
    • Pay rise to recruit or retain an employee.
      If someone is about to leave OsloMet, or if the employer or trade union has a specific and legitimate reason to fear this, they can claim a pay rise for the employee in question. It is primarily the employer who tends to make claims pursuant to this provision, but the trade unions may also do this. A fixed date has not been set for the effects of 2.5.3-claims. The date of effect is subject to negotiation in the actual claim. If no claims have been made about the promotion and its date of effect, the date will be set to the 1st of the month in which the claim is submitted.

    No fixed date has been set for the effect of 2.5.3 requirements. The actual effective date is part of what can be negotiated in the claim itself. If no claim has been made that the promotion shall apply from a specific date, the date will be set to the 1st of the month in which the claim has been made.

    Pay claim forms 

    Pay claims should be put forward in these standardized forms. All forms are currently only available in Norwegian.

Kontakt HR

Kontakt HR

If you have questions contact HR locally.

Randi Stene

E-mail :
Place/Address :
HR Director

Anders Dahle

E-mail :

Fak. HV

E-mail :
Place/Address :
Seksjon for HR
Url :
IDF ved HV

Fak. LUI

E-mail :
Place/Address :
Seksjon for HR

Fak. SAM

E-mail :
Place/Address :
Seksjon for HR

Fak. TKD

E-mail :
Place/Address :
Seksjon for HR


E-mail :
Place/Address :
Fagansvar HR