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Refusjoner | Lønn og refusjoner - Ansatt

Reimbursement Reimbursement

All purchases of goods and services are generally to be handled through 'Min bestilling'. There are some exceptions to the main rule, where a reimbursement claim can be sendt for personal expenses. You will find information on these cases and how to proceed here.

Reimbursement claims for personal expenses must be sent via the DFØ self-service portal or the DFØ app. Please remember all your receipts!

In all cases where OsloMet has framework agreements for goods and services, purchases must be made through Min bestilling.

  • Registering reimbursements

    Reimbursements must be registered in the SAP portal / DFØ app. Please note that payment to individuals must be handled in the payroll system - see Kontrakt på timelønn og oppdrag/honorar - Ansatt - minside (

    1. In the DFØ app - see instructions for registering expense reimbursements.
    2. In the SAP portal - see instructions for registration of reimbursements in the SAP portal.

    Attachments must be scanned or photographed and attached to the reimbursement claim.

    Expenses that can be reimbursed

    • Train fare, bus expenses and other forms for public transportation
    • Bus expenses 
    • Parking expenses
    • Toll booth expenses
    • Goods and services that cannot be purchased through OsloMet's official procurement system. You must supply an explanation as to why the goods/services could not be purchased through "Min bestilling" in the reimbursement claim.

    Expenses that will not be reimbursed 

    Where OsloMet has framework agreements, these must be used to purchase goods and services. The following can not be included in a reimbursement claim:

    • Flowers must be ordered from our through Min bestilling.
    • Literature must be ordered from our through Min bestilling.
    • Travel by air must be ordered from Berg Hansen 
      • If OsloMet has been invoiced for the flights, these must be included in the travel settlement in SAP.
    • IT-equipment such as mobile phones, tablets, computers and software must be ordered through IT services at
  • Reimbursement of expenses for computer glasses

    OsloMet has an agreement about buying computer glasses. See the conditions and routines for computer glasses (in Norwegian). Computer glasses purchased from other companies will not be reimbursed.

    You must pay for the glasses, frames and eye examination yourself and then apply for reimbursement.

  • Reimbursement of taxable expenses

    Reimbursements of certain expenses are taxable, according to Norwegian law.

    • newspapers / magazines paid by employer
    • telephone subscription paid by employer
    • internet subscription paid by employer
    • memberships fees paid by employer
      • Coverage of contingents for personal memberships for employees is taxable, even if it is in the employer's interest that the employee holds this membership. 

    These expenses can not be claimed reimbursement for through "Reise- og utgiftsrefusjon". In order to claim reimbursements of these expenses, use E-form (E-skjema) in the SAP portal, choose type «Godtgjørelser».

    • For newspapers: use "lønnart 142C", "Ref. avis m/tjen.behov"
    • For telephone and internet: use "lønnart 1440", "Ref. Ek-tjenester"
    • For contingents and memberships fees: use "lønnart 1521", "Arb. ref. konting. utb" 
    • For equipment, furniture and other expenses: use "lønnart 1509", "Ref. naturalytelse"
  • Do you not have access to the SAP portal? For students and external guests only

    For expenses reimbursed without tax (skatte-, oppgave-, trekk- og arbeidsgiveravgiftsplikt)

    Reimbursed by accounting via UBW. Use reimbursement of expenses (.doc).

    For expenses reimbursed with taxes (skatte-, oppgave-, trekk- og arbeidsgiveravgiftsplikt)

    Reimbursed by Payroll via SAP. Use reimbursement of expenses (.doc).

    All employees of OsloMet are to use the SAP portal in reimbursement claims.

  • Disbursement

    Reimbursements are disbursed in addition to the monthly salary, 3 to 4 times each month.

    Have you not received your reimbursement?

    Address your contact person in OsloMet - the person that approved your reimbursement claim. After approving, they should forward your claim to (reimbursement without taxes) or (reimbursement with taxes). 

