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Hovedverneombud og verneombud | Helse, miljø og sikkerhet - Ansatt

Chief safety delegate and safety delegates

Chief safety delegate and safety delegates

The safety delegates are the employees’ representatives and guides in HSE matters as well as partners of the management and the managers.

Chief safety delegate (HVO)

The chief safety delegate must:

  • coordinate the safety delegates' activities, support and guide them in their work
  • be the safety delegates’ spokesperson in WEC and towards the rector
  • be a central driving force in HSE issues
  • represent employees and safety delegates in key forums and in the central work of creating and maintaining the systematic HSE work
  • be a permanent member and representative of the safety delegates in the Work Environment Committee (WEC)
  • cooperate with and report to the rector

The chief safety delegate must have a deputy who will be granted a time resource according to agreement. The deputy’s roles and responsibilities are the same as those of the chief safety delegate when he/she is absent. Roles and tasks can be specified in separate guidelines.

Safety delegate (VO)

The safety delegates are the employees’ representatives in HSE matters and must safeguard the employees’ interests in these cases. The safety delegate must report about circumstances that could lead to accidents or that could pose health hazards. The safety delegates are elected for two-year terms.

The line manager must ensure that the safety delegate receives enough time the necessary training for them to be able to perform their duties in a proper manner. The safety delegate has the right to undertake basic HSE training and he/she must be familiar with the current safety rules, instructions, regulations and recommendations issued by the management or by inspection authorities within HSE.

The safety delegate is obliged to warn about conditions that could lead to accidents or post health hazards. He/she has the right to stop dangerous work if there is immediate danger to the employees’ lives or health. The safety delegate must be consulted during the planning and implementation of measures that are of importance within the delegate’s safety area. The safety delegate’s role as a manager does not exempt the employer of his responsibility of ensuring a satisfactory working environment.

The Safety Service at OsloMet

