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Apply for funding / contracts in the project

Apply for funding / contracts in the project

Contracts in the application process and in a project.

Apply for project funding

  1. Distribute duties between the partners before sending the application.
    Include the administrative support network early on. Make a progress plan towards the application deadline.
  2. Get familiar with the guidelines of the programme you plan to apply for funding from (e.g. Norway's Research Council or Horizon 2020).
    The R&D adviser at the faculty / centre or in the central administration can help you with this.
    See also information about external funding opportunities.
  3. Clarify expectations about resources: before applying all partners should agree on:
    1. economy - estimate costs (TDI), see website about budgeting
    2. deductibles and research time
    3. results ownership / Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)
    4. HR and HSE responsibilities
      The department of finances at the faculty / centre can help you with this.
  4. Collaboration tools: Order collaboration tools from BIT so that you already during the application period have an area in which you can work with relevant partners.
  5. Application filing: send a copy of the application to the support network

Project contract

Allocation of funds

Contact the R&D adviser at the faculty/centre and possibly the head of department to discuss whether you need to adjust the project in relation to the funds you have received.

Negotiate a contract

A contract must underlie all externally funded projects. The negotiation must be a collaboration between the project manager, the head of department, the R&D adviser at the faculty/centre, the department of finances at the faculty/centre and the legal adviser in the R&D section – get in touch with these early on.

Consult also the supervisor about case processing when drawing up agreements.

In addition, a consortium agreement and/or cooperation agreement must be established between the parties that have the status of partners in the project.

Guidelines and agreement templates at OsloMet

OsloMet's agreements templates, external agreement templates or checklist must be used if OsloMet is in charge of drawing up a consortium agreement/cooperation agreement. The R&D adviser at the faculty/centre can assist with the drafting of the agreement.

Deadlines for contracts and agreements

It is important to take note of application deadlines. Make sure that the support network is informed as well.


Decide who should sign the contract in consultation with the support network, see the overview of the role and tasks of the research responsible

Kontaktpunkter FoU

Kontaktpunkter FoU

R&D support at Faculty of Social Sciences

R&D support at AFI

R&D support at Faculty of Health Sciences

R&D support at SIFO


Url :

R&D support at NOVA

R&D support at Faculty of Education and International Studies

R&D support at Faculty of Technology, Art and Design

R&D support at NIBR


Url :

Contact Research and Development administration