HMS-opplæring | Helse, miljø og sikkerhet - Ansatt

HSE training

HSE training

Training is a key part of HSE work, and knowledge is crucial for achieving good HSE work in practice. HSE training adapted to the needs of different groups is a necessary prerequisite for success in the working environment work, and providing training to all parties involved in the HSE work is an important step on the way.
  • General requirements for the HSE training

    Necessary knowledge and a positive attitude towards the HSE work are important factors for the managers’ and employees' interest in and commitment to their own working environment.

    The employer is responsible for ensuring that the working environment at OsloMet is acceptable. The university college’s managers must be familiar with the provisions of the Working Environment Act on health, safety and environment and must have knowledge of the university's systematic HSE work.

    All current and future employees at OsloMet must be ensured a minimum level of knowledge of the regulations and of HiOA's organisation of the HSE work in order to help create a good working environment. Workers who perform dangerous work are entitled to necessary training that allows them to perform the work safely.

    Safety delegates and members of the working environment committees have been assigned important tasks in terms of supervision of the college's efforts in improving the working environment. Their training is given in the Working Environment Act.

    The chief safety delegate must have at least the same training as the safety delegates and, in addition, the training required to perform his/her duties.

  • HSE training for new employees

    New employees must, on their first day

    In the first month of employment, the new employee must learn about

  • Basic HSE training for safety delegates and members/deputies of WEC and LWEC

    Basic training HSE is mandatory for new safety delegates and members/deputies of AMU/LAMU who have not previously completed equivalent training.
    OsloMet does not currently offer internal basic training in HSE, and therefore uses the occupational health service's course - Avonova's Basic Course in Working Environment. 

    The Basic Course in Working Environment is a full-fledged 40-hour course for:

    • Verneombud
    • Chief safety representative
    • Varaverneombud
    • Members of working environment committees (AMU)

    For safety representatives, chief safety representatives, deputy safety delegates and working environment committee members, the Working Environment Act and regulations require a minimum training of 40 hours. This course will document that the minimum scope has been completed, and the participants receive a thorough training in HSE work.

    The course may also be suitable for others with training requirements:

    • Other managers
    • HR and HSE personnel
    • Stewards

    The general manager is obliged to undergo training in HSE work. Other managers must have enough HSE expertise to lead the work in a good and responsible manner. The alternative HSE course for managers is a faster review of the regulations, while the Basic Course in Working Environment will give managers a more thorough introduction to the topic.

    Managers who sit in AMU are required to have a 40-hour course.

    Other employees who need it in their work can also access the course. Then a confirmation from the manager is needed

  • Other HSE training

    First aid courses are offered regularly through the OsloMet Academy.  See the OsloMet Academy for upcoming courses.

    Courses with varying contents aimed at different groups are also offered.

    Needs and wishes for training can be sent in to the OsloMet Academy.

