Utredningsinstruksen - Ansatt

The six questions from the Instructions for Official Studies

The six questions from the Instructions for Official Studies

De seks spørsmålene i Utredningsinstruksen er nyttige å forholde seg til når man er i konseptfasen til et prosjekt. Ved å vurdere disse spørsmålene øker prosjektet sjansene for at styringsgruppen og OsloMet får nok informasjon til å kunne ta de riktige beslutningene og velge det konseptet som vil dekke OsloMets behov best og gi mest nytte (innenfor kostnadsrammene).

The Norwegian Ministry of Finance has written Instructions explaining how to conduct governmental studies to support decision making (regjerningen.no) (in norwegian). Decisions must be well-founded and well thought out.

The six questions in the Instructions are useful to consider in the concept phase of a project. By addressing these questions, the project increases the chances that the project board and OsloMet obtain enough information to make the right decision and choose the concept that will best cover OsloMet’s need and give most benefits (within budget).

Read more about the Instructions on​​​​​​​: Veileder for utredningsinstruksen (dfo.no) (in norwegian) og Om utredningsinstruksinstruksen (regjeringen.no) (in norwegian) .

  • 1. What is the problem and what do we want to achieve?

    Why should we start a project or intervene? What is the actual problem we need to solve and what are the true needs of those who are affected by it? What is the scope of the problem? How serious is it? What happens if we don’t take action (this is called the base case)?

  • 2. Which measures are relevant?

    There is usually more than one solution to a problem. What can be done? And what do these measures comprehend?

  • 3. Which fundamental questions are raised by the measures?

    At OsloMet this usually means to follow our own strategy and the general principals and instructions valid in the higher education sector and given by the Ministry of Education and Research. For those projects that include digitalisation or an IT-system, they may also need to check IT-architecture principals (in norwegian). The project may also want to look at OsloMet’s Communication Policy (in norvegian) and guidance on Information security.

  • 4. What are the positive and negative effects of the measures, how permanent are these, and who will be affected?

    For each solution, consider what the consequences are, who the stakeholders are and how long the measures last. Some solutions will resolve much of the problem, others only partially so. The chosen concept will usually be the one which will give OsloMet most benefits within budget.

  • 5. Which measure is recommended, and why?

    Recommend a concept and argue why. This should be clearly stated in the Project Description which you hand in at the end of the Concept Phase (see templates).

  • 6. What are the prerequisites for successful implementation?

    Describe what the prerequisites are for a successful implementation. This would normally encompass issues with governance, organisation, responsibility, information flow and technical solutions.