Utstyr og programvare | Brukerstøtte IT - Ansatt

IT equipment

template.back.to.overview IT equipment

In need of IT equipment? Here you will find information on how to order a PC, monitor, mobile phone and other necessary IT equipment.

OsloMet login is necessary in order to use our IT ordering services

  • How to order IT equipment and software? 

    PCs, mobile phones, tablets and software must be ordered via the IT service desk and Sentralen (service-now.com).

    IT pays for all employees to be equipped with one laptop and standard IT equipment. 

    Standard IT equipment 

    • Screen 
    • Docking station 
    • Webcam 
    • Headphones 
    • Keyboard 
    • Mouse


  • Manager's approval of IT equipment and software

    1. The person who is set as approver/BDM on an order receives a notification by e-mail.
    2. Clicks on the request and sees what has been ordered, and considers whether it should be approved or rejected.
    3. BEFORE approving, the manager must enter correct accounting information. This is under the "Details" tab. Scroll down to the bottom to see the accounting information fields.
    4. Enter the correct budget unit, project code and work order, and click "Save".
    5. Click "Approve".
  • Special IT equipment needs?

     The ICT department does not purchase models that are not included in the standard product range for PCs, unless it can be documented that there is a special need for this. 

    As a general rule, employees do not receive more than one office PC. 

    Other accessories and equipment must generally be ordered through local purchasing in a separate unit. 

    If you need more than one PC or a special PC 

    1. The main rule is that employees get one laptop. Some employees may need a desktop and a laptop (or tablet), but this is an exception and must be approved by your leader. 
    2. The faculty/unit is charged for machine number two and special PCs. If the special PC is the employee's primary unit, the ICT department can be invoiced internally for the price of the standard model - approx. 8000, - per 2019. In some cases, it may be reasonable to require the IT service desk to pay the full cost of the non-standard PC. This will mainly apply if there is a need for special adaptations due to disabilities and the like. Inquiries about this are sent to itservicedesk@oslomet.no
    3. ICT equipment cannot be deployed on a permanent basis elsewhere than in OsloMet's premises. The only exception is if telework (home office) has been granted by HR, see the guidelines for working from home (in Norwegian).
    4. It is not possible to have three machines or two laptops (incl. tablets). This is contrary to what is sensible functionally and cost-effectively. Such cases shall be submitted to the faculty/department management, which shall provide special justification. 

    NB! It is often referred to that employees have received funding for machines through funded projects. This does not exempt from the rules on the number of machines or that it must be installed with OsloMet's setup. 

    It is not the financing model alone that determines how many machines an employee has or how the machines are to be used, but the fact that they are used in OsloMet's network and information security considerations, and with orders from the data inspectorate (No. Datatilsynet) and the office of the auditor general (No. Riksrevisjonen) on registration and control. 

  • Routines for ordering IT equipment 

    1. User orders ICT equipment and software via Sentralen.
    2. The order is technically approved at the IT service desk. 
    3. The order is financially approved by the leader. 
    4. The order goes to the ICT purchasing manager for ordering from the supplier. Please note that the delivery time accrues. 
    5. Delivery of goods/software to IT service desk. 
    6. The order is prepared at the IT service desk and registered on the user. 
    7. The user receives a message from the IT service desk that the order has been prepared and can be picked up/used 
  • Handing in and reusing IT equipment 

    What do I do with old IT equipment? 

    Equipment and accessories that are old, damaged or no longer in use must be handed to the IT service desk. We then assess whether the equipment can be repaired or reused by others at OsloMet. 

    What happens to old IT equipment? 

    Some IT equipment can be reused internally by other employees. In cases where repairs are profitable, this is done. Old equipment must also be discarded because it does not satisfy the safety requirements of OsloMet. Equipment that is not reused internally at OsloMet is deleted and passed on to an external company which then recycles and possibly resells the equipment on our behalf. 

    In 2021, we were reimbursed approximately 600,000 NOK as a result of this reuse, and we had a saving of approximately 200 tons of CO2 compared to if this equipment had been thrown away. The money we receive for reuse goes, among other things, to ensuring that new employees at OsloMet receive high-quality IT equipment. 

  • Helpful resources

    Setting up ICT equipment 

    Instructions for setting up ICT equipment 

    Mobile telephony at OsloMet 

    Lost, damaged or discarded ICT equipment 

    ICT equipment in auditoriums and classrooms 

    Daily maintenance, troubleshooting, programming and setup of relevant IT and AV technical equipment.


    All software must be ordered through Sentralen.

    More information about purchasing software.

    Are you going to acquire a larger number of licenses, systems or software that are new to OsloMet? Read through our routines for clarification and assessment of needs first. 

    Software for private equipment

    List of all software for free download to private equipment

IT Service Desk

IT Service Desk