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Call for applications for research stays abroad scholarships

Call for applications for research stays abroad scholarships

The funds for 2024 are empty. PhD students and postdocs at the university can apply for scholarships for longer research stays abroad, not shorter than one month. Applications are received on an ongoing basis, but not earlier than six months before the planned start date for the stay.

Relevant applicants are asked to contact their own faculty / center administration who will assist with guidance, quality assurance and submission of the application. Applications that do not meet the requirements in the call will not be considered.

Target group and purpose

The target group is PhD candidates and Post doctoral fellows employed by OsloMet. Please note: The research stay must be concluded at least 6 months before the PhD/Postdoctoral period expires.

The grants are used to finance long stays (minimum 1 month) at research institutions abroad and are intended to improve contact between OsloMet and foreign research communities. Grants of up to NOK 200,000 can be awarded to cover expenses for stays abroad without the candidate’s family and up to NOK 250,000 for stays with families.

The grant is used to cover travel and lodging expenses. The Research Council of Norway’s rates for grants in connection with stays abroad are used as a basis for funding of the stay and we kindly ask you to use these when budgeting. Rates for research stays abroad 2023:

  • Single: NOK 23 000 per month
  • Family: NOK 39 000 per month

If candidates require more funding than the Research Council of Norway’s rates, the reason for this must be specifically described.

It is possible to apply for grants several times, but candidates can receive a maximum of NOK 200,000 (Single)/250,000 (Family) in grants in connection with stays abroad during their research fellow or post doc. period. If the institution abroad charges tuition fees or other fees*, candidates may apply for more than the upper limit. Grants above the upper limit can also be awarded in extraordinary cases where the stay is considered particularly advantageous for research work at OsloMet. It is possible to combine the grant with other grants, i.e. Erasmus+. Remember to specify this in the application and in the budget.

PhD research fellows can receive grants for stays at their doctorate-conferring institution abroad on the condition that the funding is used for activities (e.g. seminars, lectures, courses and meetings) that come in addition to compulsory participation in the PhD programme. Funding is not granted for compulsory activities, such as obligatory courses and PhD tuition or activities related to data collection for the PhD project.

The R&D department at the respective faculty/centre must send the application on behalf of the candidate. Applications are to be sent from them to the R&D department at the central lever. Applications are processed on a continuous basis.

*Before agreeing on a stay, PhD research fellows in cooperation with the administration should investigate whether there are agreements in place on research collaboration or student exchanges between OsloMet and the host institution, or whether such an agreement can be entered into.  In many cases, tuition fees can be dropped if an exchange agreement exists. An agreement of this kind also makes it easier for the person staying abroad to find accommodation in connection with the stay. It is possible for applicants to combine grants from Erasmus+ with grants for stays abroad as long as this does not entail double funding of the stay.

Content of the application

Applications, which should be no longer than three pages, must include the following:

  • The host institution/country and period of the stay
  • The academic purpose of the stay
  • Reason for choosing the institution, including the quality of the research community to which the research fellow will be affiliated
  • Publication plan. Any co-publications with researchers from the research community abroad can also be included here
  • How the stay will be organised and carried out
  • Expected outcomes from the stay, both for the applicant and for OsloMet
  • Information about any previous grants received for stays abroad through the scheme (year and amount)
  • Budget with expected expenses for the stay abroad prepared in accordance with the template below. In addition to travel expenses (the cheapest means of travel), candidates can apply for funding for stays in accordance with the Research Council of Norway’s rates for grants in connection with stays abroad. If candidates require more funding than the Research Council of Norway’s rates, e.g. for tuition fees, the reason for this must be specifically described.
  • A copy of the agreement/invitation from the host institution (including information about resources/infrastructure made available, any requirements/conditions such as tuition fees, and plan for academic activities and arrangements)
  • Recommendation from the applicant’s academic community at OsloMet. Any plans or potential for further cooperation with the foreign research community can also be described here.

Template for the budget:

Travel expenses

  • transport to/from the airport (NOK x)
  • plane ticket (NOK x)


Funding for stays in accordance with the Research Council of Norway’s rates for grants in connection with stays abroad [with/without family NOK 23,000/39,000] x no. months


[Any other expenses, e.g. tuition fees]




The budget must also show any funding contributions for stays abroad from the faculty/centre over and above ordinary pay, and any contributions from external sources.

Please note that the Research Council of Norway’s rates are intended to cover all additional expenses related to the stay (food, accommodation, phone, insurance, local transport etc.). These additional expenses are not to be specified in the application but must be documented after the stay (see the guidelines for payments and travel expenses settlement).

Procedures and deadlines for the applications

The R&D department receives applications on a continuous basis throughout the year. As a rule, applications should apply to stays abroad that are planned to commence in the course of the current year.

The administration at the respective faculty/centre will provide advice on writing the application. The R&D department at the faculty/centre must upload the application in P360 using case no. 23/06238 well before the stay abroad, as well as send the application by email to Helene Aanerud,, at the R&D department. The applications are considered as they are received and normal processing time from a complete application is received by email until the applicant receives an answer is two weeks.

Any questions can be addressed to Helene Aanerud,, at the R&D department.

Information to candidates who received a grant for a stay abroad

Payment and travel expenses settlement

There are separate guidelines and forms for payments and travel expenses settlement. Please note that after the stay abroad has ended, candidates must document travel and additional expenses related to the stay to the administration at the faculty/centre, and that, as a rule, any remaining amounts shall be repaid.


Candidates who have received a grant must complete a reporting form on the outcomes of the stay within two months after the stay has ended and send this by email to Helene Aanerud,, at the R&D department.

Practical implementation

You can find advice on the practical aspects of your stay abroad on the website researcher mobility and career development.