Work on sub-strategies underway


Oversiktsbilde av campus i Pilestredet.

Work on sub-strategies underway

Part of the implementation of OsloMet's new strategy will take place through the development of sub-strategies for education, research, and contributions to societal improvements.

The University Board approved OsloMet's new strategy from 2024 on December 15th. The strategy will provide direction for the university towards 2050. (

The strategy process has been ongoing since the fall of 2022. The new strategy has been developed and anchored through several rounds of input and dialogue with our own organization and society.

Work on sub-strategies spring 2024

The pro-rectors at OsloMet are responsible for the work on the sub-strategy that falls under their area of responsibility:

  • Pro-rector for Education, Silje Fekjær: education sub-strategy
  • Pro-rector for research and development, Tanja Storsul: sub-strategy for research
  • Pro-rector for social impact and collaboration, Carl Christian Thodesen: sub-strategy for contribution to social improvements
  • The pro-rectors have teams that conduct the process until the sub-strategies are completed.

The Education Committee, Research and Development Committee, and Innovation Forum, where faculties, centers, administration, and PhD candidates and students are well represented, will play a central role in setting the framework for the direction and main priorities of the sub-strategies.

In the work on the new strategy from 2024, input has been collected in the various phases of the process that ran from 2022 to 2023. These inputs help to lay the foundation for the start of the sub-strategy work.

Strategic Action Plans

The Faculties, Centre for Welfare and Labour Research (SVA), Centre for the Study of Professions (SPS), and Division Organization and Infrastructure are responsible for creating strategic action plans in line with the strategy and sub-strategies.

The strategic action plans should balance the fulfillment of overarching strategy documents and contribute to strategic academic development close to the core activities.

A process is planned where the work on the strategic action plans starts during the work on the sub-strategies.

"To maintain the good engagement that has characterized the strategy process so far, we want the work on strategic action plans and the sub-strategies to take place partially overlapping," says Rector Christen Krogh.

 "The sub-strategies have started to take shape in March, when they will be sent out for consultation in the organization. It is a good time to start work on developing strategic action plans," says Krogh.

The Rector asks to ensure good involvement of students and staff in the work ahead.

Linked to the new strategy and the sub-strategies

"We will set up meeting points along the way between the rectorate and faculties, centers, and the Division Organization and Infrastructure, so that we can match each other and ensure that the action plans are well linked to the new strategy and the sub-strategies."

It is planned for the sub-strategies to be presented to the OsloMet Board in June.

The Faculty Boards and the Board of the Centre for Welfare and Labour Research (SVA), approve their strategic action plans. The strategic action plan for the Division Organization and Infrastructure is decided by the Rector, after processing in the rectorate-director meeting (RD). The University Board will be informed about the strategic action plans.

Other units at OsloMet, such as institutes, departments, sections, and other centers, should not develop their own strategy documents as part of OsloMet's strategy hierarchy, but are involved in the work on sub-strategies and strategic action plans.

See also the webpage: Developing a new strategy

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