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Local working environment committees - LWEC

Local working environment committees - LWEC

The Working Environment Committee has decided that the faculties and the joint administration should have local working environment committees. LWEC is a subcommittee under WEC.

LWEC should be a cooperative body and work for a fully satisfactory working environment in the faculty / joint administration, by handling challenges related to the working environment  as close to the employees' everyday lives as possible and by taking use of the local expertise that the members of LWEC have.

LWEC should work to ensure that the employees gain insight into work environment issues and seek their participation in the work with health, environment and safety.

LWEC should be a multipartite body and include at least two representatives from employer's party and the employee’s party respectively. The dean must be one of the members on the employer side, and at least one of the safety delegates must represent the employees.

The Working Environment Committee has determined tasks and decision-making authority for LWEC.

LWEC’s meetings should normally be open.

