KI-chat - Ansatt

KI-chat KI-chat

OsloMet offers the chat GPT tools Microsoft Copilot and SIKT KI-chat to students and staff. These tools provide you with access to artificial intelligence (AI) that is designed to help you find information, answer questions, and assist you in studies and teaching.

You can log in and use Microsoft Copilot and SIKT AI-chat with your OsloMet user account.

  • Important about Copilot and Sikt AI-chat

    Differences between Sikt KI-chat and Microsoft Copilot

    • Copilot usually provides more and better data for sources
    • Copilot generates images
    • Sikt KI-chat has a greater capacity to answer longer texts
    • Sikt KI-chat can be experienced somewhat slower than Copilot (Sikt is working on the issue)
    • The solutions are set up with different limitations and are updated differently - they can therefore generate different answers

    Security and Privacy

    Sikt KI-chat and Microsoft Copilot can be used to process data and personal data up to and including the yellow (internal) storage level. Find out more about data classification and familiarize yourself with OsloMet’s storage guide.

    Microsoft Copilot

    When you log in with your OsloMet email, your data is not used to train the model and your data is secured. The OsloMet logo will then be visible in the top left corner and you will see a badge indicating that you are “Protected” in the top right corner. It looks like this:

    graphics showing white text on green background, saying you are "Beskyttet" / "Protected"

  • Help and user guides

    About Chat GPT origins (


    OsloMet does not offer extended user support for either Copilot or Sikt AI-chat. Please use the relevant resource pages from SIKT and Microsoft.

    Importing and Exporting Conversations

    You can import and export conversations yourself. The options for import and export are available in the left-hand menu. Select Advanced view under "Settings" if you do not see the options for import and export.

    Source Criticism

    GPT as an AI model is trained to be neutral and objective, but the underlying algorithms base their answers on the data the solution is trained on. It can also, to a certain extent, reproduce short texts written by others without it coming across clearly. Texts from the solution may thus contain protected intellectual property rights. It is therefore necessary to be highly critical of sources.


    Login problems?

    Please contact IT Service Desk

  • How to use SIKT KI-chat?

    Which GPT engine is available?

    Both Sikt AI-chat and Copilot use chat GPT 4.0 turbo.

    You can control which model you use in Sikt AI-chat by selecting “Settings” -> “View mode - Use Advanced view” -> “Save”. You will now be able to choose the gpt model. The latest version is - gpt-4-turbo-128k.

    Use examples

    • As a sparring partner to generate new ideas
    • To receive feedback on something you have written or thought about
    • As an assistant when coding or doing calculations
    • To improve and correct the language in your writings
    • As a study buddy or colleague who simplifies complex theories
    • To get the essence of a long text summarized
    • As a translator between languages


  • Source criticism


  • User terms

    Sikt's user terms also apply to users from OsloMet. OsloMet's guidelines for storage and classification still apply to the processing and storage of data. The service can be used up to and including yellow (internal) data.
    Please read SIKTs privacy statement for KI-chat.
    OsloMet has also signed a data processing agreement and service agreement with Sikt. Access to these is granted on request. 

  • Privacy Statement

    This privacy statement is translated from Norwegian to English by Sikt KI-chat.

    Privacy Statement for Sikt AI Chat

    Sikt AI Chat uses a language model built on GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer), a form of artificial intelligence (AI) developed by OpenAI and delivered by Azure. The model is as smart and uses the same language model as ChatGPT.

    The main purpose of Sikt AI Chat is to generate text based on the instructions it receives. The model has read and learned from a large amount of text, so it can understand patterns in the language. For example, how words are used together, what is grammatically correct, and what information is relevant.

    Sikt AI Chat is developed by Sikt (Knowledge Sector Service Provider), which allows you to use OpenAI's GPT models in a way that is within the privacy requirements set by OsloMet. All students and staff at OsloMet can log in with FEIDE and freely use the service.

    OsloMet is responsible for the processing of personal data described in this privacy statement and it applies to the processing of personal data associated with the use of Sikt AI Chat at OsloMet.


    1. What is a privacy statement?
    2. The purposes and legal basis for processing personal data
    3. What personal data is processed about you?
    4. For how long do we store your personal data?
    5. Who is your personal data shared with?
    6. The security of your personal data
    7. Transfers to third countries
    8. Your rights
    9. Contact

    1. What is a privacy statement? 

    A privacy statement describes what personal data is processed, how it is processed, who is responsible for the processing, what rights you have, and who you can contact about your personal data. This privacy statement describes how OsloMet handles your personal data when you use Sikt AI Chat and constitutes a supplement to OsloMet's general privacy statements.

    2. The purposes and legal basis for processing personal data

    2.1. Purpose

    The purposes of processing your personal data in the Sikt AI Chat service are:

    • To offer, manage, maintain and/or analyze the service.
    • Contact with and administration of the user.
    • Service quality, uptime and troubleshooting.
    • Prevent misuse of the service.
    • Secure identification.
    • Prevent fraud, criminal activity or misuse of our services, and to ensure the security of our IT systems, architecture and network, through logging of user content in the service.
    • Comply with legal obligations and to protect our users' rights, privacy and security.

    2.2. Legal basis

    The legal basis for the processing of the purposes listed below in letter a), b) and c) is GDPR art. 6 no. 1 f) "Legitimate interest". An interest balance has been carried out to assess the relationship between the individual's privacy and the company's legitimate interest. In general, there is a very low probability that the processing will have negative consequences for individuals, due to the general nature of the personal data and that most of the information is already publicly available. At the same time, it is assessed that OsloMet could suffer a reputation loss at the business level in the public sector if the processing is not carried out and OsloMet thus fails to maintain the expectation achievement the business has with its users.

    1. For purposes related to service quality, uptime and troubleshooting, this is based on OsloMet's legitimate interest in improvement, error correction and detection of critical conditions in the service by conducting necessary logging of data during use.
    2. For purposes related to the processing of user content (including "input" and "output"), this is based on OsloMet's legitimate interest in developing the service provided by an external third party (SIKT). Large language models such as Sikt AI Chat have many aspects that provide significant benefits and help people create content, improve service, develop software, customize education, support scientific research, etc. These benefits cannot be realized without a large amount of information to teach the models. OsloMet's processing of "output" is based on the training information, which is not intended to negatively affect individuals. Furthermore, the sources of this training information are already publicly available.
    3. For the purpose of processing "cookies", this is based on OsloMet's legitimate interest in improving the user experience for the user. The processing of the information is limited to what is necessary to improve the user experience in the application, in the form of storing the login session, remembering the user's language choice, and keeping track of the user session.

    3. What personal data is processed about you?

    The service only processes information about you for the purposes and processing bases specified in section 2 of this privacy statement.

    3.1 Information that can be processed for the purposes

    • Account information
      OsloMet must process information related to your account in order to provide the service, including name and username.
    • User content
      When you use the Service, we may collect personal data included in queries and lead text ("Input"), file uploads or feedback you provide to the service, as well as completions and responses from the service ("Output").
    • Privacy Statement
      SIKT AI Chat OsloMet 11.01.2024 Page 4 of 5
    • Log data
      About, among other things, logins, query times, time spent, IP address, device information, including the name of the device, the operating system and the browser you use.
    • Cookies
      To store login session, for storing language choice and to take the user back to the correct page if they are asked to log in to access something. OsloMet receives login details from Sikt when logging in with FEIDE. Other personal data is obtained from you and through the use of the service.

    4. For how long do we store your personal data?

    The information is stored as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes listed under section 2. Personal data associated with logging into SIKT AI Chat is stored as long as the user has an active affiliation with OsloMet and information provided by the user directly through input and output (free text field) is deleted after a month.

    5. Who is your personal data shared with?

    Your personal data is shared with Sikt (Knowledge Sector Service Provider) who is OsloMet's data processor, through its role as provider and operator responsible for Sikt AI Chat.

    Furthermore, personal data included in queries and lead text ("Input"), in completions and responses ("output") and file uploads will be shared with Sikt's subcontractor for Azure OpenAI Service, Microsoft Ireland Operations Limited ("Microsoft"), with processing location in EU/EEA (Sweden at the time of contract signing). The personal data shared with Microsoft are considered de-identified as they do not have the ability to directly link your account information to queries and lead text ("Input") that you, as a user, enter in the service's free text field. Such identification can only be performed by Sikt and OsloMet.

    Amazon Web Services EMEA SARL (AWS Europe) is the other subcontractor to Sikt, but as a starting point, they will not have access to any of your personal data as the service is only operated in Platon AWS.

    6. The security of your personal data

    OsloMet regularly conducts risk and vulnerability analyses (ROS) of the data systems we use, to secure your personal data. Information security is highly prioritized in the service and OsloMet regularly conducts ROS and security assessment of built-in privacy in Sikt AI Chat. The same is performed by Sikt, which is the service provider and data processor for OsloMet. Security is always a prioritized and ongoing process.

    7. Transfers to third countries

    Sikt has two subcontractors, Microsoft Ireland Operations Limited and Amazon Web Services EMEA SARL (AWS Europe), both of which are American-owned companies. Both companies have European data storage centers and are subject to European data protection legislation, meaning that none of your personal data will initially be processed outside the EU/EEA. However, American legislation could potentially result in personal data being transferred to the USA. In such a situation, the transfer to a third country would be legal as both subcontractors are on the EU's latest approved list of American businesses to transfer personal data to and thus comply with GDPR art. 45.

    8. Your rights

    You are entitled to receive information about how OsloMet processes your personal data. This obligation to provide information is fulfilled through this privacy statement.

    You also have the following rights:

    • Right to access
    • Right to correction
    • Right to limit processing
    • Right to erasure
    • Right to object to processing

    You get more detailed information on our website about your rights.

    9. Contact

    Here you get information about who is responsible for processing and who you can contact.