Om hva og hvor kan du si ifra? - Ansatt

About what and where can you speak up?

About what and where can you speak up?

Identification and correction of nonconformities and censurable conditions is important to OsloMet, and the threshold for reporting various circumstances is low. Here you will find information about what you can report and where the various conditions should be reported.
  • The page is under revision.

    There are therefore some links missing, and some content is a bit lacking. Everything will be in place during April.

OsloMet has the following channels for reporting nonconformities, notifications and other matters: 

  • Deviation channel for HSE nonconformities
  • Notification system for security incidents and privacy anomalies
  • Whistleblowing channel for reporting censurable conditions
  • Notification of research ethics (to be reported in writing to the Dean/Centre Director)