Arbeidsmiljøutvalgets arbeid | HMS-håndbok - Ansatt

The Working Environment Committee's work

The Working Environment Committee's work

WEC holds meetings about ten times a year. The meetings are usually open.

Meeting plan, case documents and minutes

Meeting plan is available in OpenGov.

The case documents are published about one week before the meeting. The minutes should be completed no later than 7-10 days after the meeting.

The HR department is the secretariat for OsloMet's working environment committee (WEC - AMU in Norwegian).

WEC's members

The working environment committee members are appointed for two years at a time. 

The employee side holds the head of committee appointment in WEC for the academic year 2022/2023, with the Deputy Chief Health and Safety Officer Kristine Sandaker as the som the head of WEC. 

The following actors have no right to vote:

  • The occupational health service's representative

  • WEC's secretary

For current members, see the Norwegian version.

Estimate of time resources for the safety service and members of WEC/LWEC.

WEC's subcommittees



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Head of HSE Brita Bye

Phone :
92 61 47 50
E-mail :

Central chief safety representative Marthe Eikum-Tang

Phone :
67 23 54 59
E-mail :