Forskningsetikk | Avtaler, etikk og jus - Ansatt

Research ethics Research ethics

OsloMet is responsible for ensuring that research is carried out in accordance with the defined framework, including the Act relating to Universities and University Colleges, the Research Ethics Act and pertaining regulations, the Public Administration Act , the terms and conditions set out by external sources of funding and in external and internal policies.

The Norwegian National Committees for Research Ethics has developed six guidelines that relates to how ethics can be exercised through good research practice. Good research practice (



  • The Deans/Head of Centre and the Head of Department will continuously follow up that regulations are observed.
  • Each project manager are responsible for ensuring that research is conducted in compliance with good research practice and recognised academic and ethical principles in their respective disciplines and within the established framework.
  • Supervisors have a particular responsibility for informing PhD candidates and students of the regulations for research ethics that apply in their respective disciplines.

  • Project team members, students, and PhD candidates are personally responsible for familiarising themselves with issues concerning research ethics.

Internal guidelines

At OsloMet there are developed 

Laws and guidelines

GDPR - new legislation on personal data - what does it mean for research?

The National Research Ethics Committees have created a separate website with questions and answers regarding new personal data legislation (GDPR) and what it means for research (, in Norwegian).

Research Ethical Commitee

The Research Ethics Committee shall contribute to research ethics issues being included as part of the training at all levels at OsloMet. The committee shall provide advice on research ethics related to OsloMet's research and submit proposals for measures that sharpen awareness of research ethics issues among OsloMet's employees and students.

The committee shall deal with and comment on individual cases related to scientific honesty that originate in conflicts or complaints in connection with suspected breaches of scientific integrity and good scientific practice at the university, and which have been submitted to the university management, dean / center manager or by individuals.

The committee shall also work to ensure that research at OsloMet takes place within the framework of national laws, ethical guidelines for research at OsloMet and guidelines drawn up by the national research ethics committees. The committee shall keep abreast of national and international research ethics issues. The Research Ethics Committee functions as the Integrity Committee for OsloMet.

The Research Ethics Committee secretary: Tor Even Marthinsen

Research ethics contact person: Anne Bjørtuft

Resources in research ethics

Kontakt: Forskningsetikk

Kontakt: Forskningsetikk