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Planlegging og gjennomføring av endringsprosesser | Helse, miljø og sikkerhet - Ansatt

Planning and implementing changes

Planning and implementing changes

HSE guidelines for restructuring and change processes that may affect employees' working environment.


Restructuring processes that entail changes of significance for the employees' work situation shall be planned and implemented in such a way that the employees are ensured a fully satisfactory working environment both during and after the change, and the employer shall ensure that the participation and competence development necessary to safeguard the requirements of the Working Environment Act for a fully satisfactory working environment.


A change process is any change in working conditions that may affect the working environment of one or more workers.

Examples of change processes are restructuring regulated through the main agreement, organisational changes, restructuring agreements, relocation processes and co-locations, renovations that entail changes in the short or long term, new routines, introduction of new technology or changes in administrative systems, etc


The guidelines cover all changes that may have consequences for the employees' working environment, and the requirements of the Working Environment Act and the Internal Control Regulations must be fulfilled, cf. AML § 3-1 (2) d) (, and the Internal Control Regulations § 5, 2nd paragraph ( The regulations require written documentation.

Roles and responsibilities

Line organisation

The line manager at the level of the organisation from which the change process is managed is responsible for following up the requirements for planning and implementing the change process.

Employees shall be ensured the opportunity to participate (AML § 4-2 (3) ( If several units are affected by the changes, line managers must work together to facilitate participation.

The safety representative shall be consulted when planning and implementing measures of significance for the working environment.

Risk assessment

Planned changes shall be impact assessed (risk assessed) with regard to the employees' working environment, and documented in accordance with the requirements of the Internal Control Regulations. Such risk assessment shall be carried out so early in the process that the conclusions can be taken into account in the execution of the changes.

Project organisation

Changes can be project organized. The project manager, together with the line manager(s), must then ensure that the requirement for information and communication with the employees is met. The project establishes the framework for employee participation and influence – the project manager must collaborate with the line manager on the tasks.



Employees, safety delegates and employee representatives shall be involved as early as possible in the planning of changes. In the event of major changes, the occupational health service (OHS) must also be included in the planning work. 

Note: Amendments that fall under Section 7-2 (2) of the Working Environment Act shall be dealt with both in the AMU (possibly LAMU) and in the IDF in accordance with the Main Agreement §§ 17-19, and Section 7 of the Adjustment Agreement. 

  • Plans for changes internally in one faculty, in SVA or in joint administration incl. SPS is presented to LAMU.
  • Plans for changes that apply to several faculties, are enterprise-wide or of a fundamental nature, are submitted to the working environment committee of the working environment committee (AMU).

The Department of Human Resources, represented by the head of HSE, must be informed of all plans for structural changes.

Construction cases are handled in accordance with HSE guidelines for building application management. 

Plan for the change process

A plan for the change process shall be drawn up, consisting of the following elements:

  • Objectives/intent of the changes.
  • Every change process, large or small, must have a clear goal/purpose. The purpose of the changes shall be communicated to affected employees.
  • Role clarifications - clarification of the line organisation's responsibilities and role, and description of the distribution of tasks between the line, any project manager and other actors.
  • Scope - what the change(s) consists of.
  • Participation - description of how and within what framework employees are involved in planning and implementation.
  • Risk assessments - impact assessment of working environment conditions, with associated action plan and allocation of responsibility.
  • Overview of how results from risk assessments are incorporated into the plan.
  • Information plan.
  • Progress plan.

The scope of the various elements of the plan must depend on the scope of the change(s).


The following documentation must accompany all change processes and be available before the changes are implemented:

  • Plan for the change process, with risk assessments
  • Statement from safety delegates



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Central chief safety representative Marthe Eikum-Tang

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67 23 54 59
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