Byggesakshåndtering | Helse, miljø og sikkerhet - Ansatt

Guidelines for facility management

Guidelines for facility management

HSE guidelines for facility management.



An efficient facility management should help ensure user involvement, a good physical working environment, good facilitation and that all construction projects and structural changes help improve the working environment.


These guidelines should be followed by all plans for structural changes.


  • Facility matters: any structural change
  • AMU’s Building Committee: AMU’s sub-committees that prepare the issues to be dealt with by AMU
  • Checklist: checklist for facility matters


The Department of Facilities Management is the project owner of all facility matters. Line managers (all leaders with staff responsibility) should ensure user involvement and that the employees who will be affected by the changes will be made aware of the planned changes. If several units are affected, the line managers must together ensure the employees' possibilities to contribute



Employees, safety representatives, union representatives and the Occupational health service (BHS) should be included as early as possible in the planning.

The HMS unit should be informed of all plans for structural changes.

AMU’s Building Committee shall prepare all plans for significant structural changes.

Project Plan

There must be drawn up a project plan including the following elements:

  • The purpose of the changes. Each project, big or small, should have a clear purpose that should be communicated to the affected parties.
  • Scope; what is planned to be carried out
  • Clarification of roles and responsibilities: description of task distribution between the line manager, the project owner and other possible actors
  • Universal design: to what extent can the project be maintained
  • Fire safety and safety conditions
  • Problems related to indoor climate quality
  • User involvement; Description of how users are involved in planning and implementation
  • Sketches
  • Risk assessment
  • Information plan
  • Work schedule


The following documentation must accompany all facility matters and be presented before the work starts:

  • Project Plan
  • Completed checklist
  • Statement by safety representatives
  • Risk assessment

In larger construction projects and in those of fundamental importance treated in the AMU, the Building Committee can request further documentation. 

Internal documents

Risk assessment at OsloMet

