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Researcher mobility, career development and invitation of guest researchers Researcher mobility, career development and invitation of guest researchers

OsloMet wants to facilitate for both going abroad as a reseacher from OsloMet and inviting a guest researcher for a stay at a department or center at our institution.


Invitation of guest reseachers to OsloMet

Are you a tenure at OsloMet and wish to invite a guest reseacher from another country to your research project or for a stay at your department or center? Then it is important that you consider the research relevance for OsloMet and follow the rountine for inviting guest researchers step by step. Read more about the documents required and the policies you and your manager need to follow in the routine for invitation of guest reseachers, under the meny point "guest researchers". 

Charter and Code

OsloMet is certified as an HR Excellence in Research (HRS4R) institution for following 40 EU principles for Charter & Code for Researchers.

Researcher recruitment and mobility - "Better Careers and More Mobility" - has been appointed by the European Commission as an area of focus and a tool for strengthening European research. The overall objective is to establish a common, open, European labour market for researchers. The EU's "European Charter for Researchers and the European Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers" - Charter and Code - is a means of achieving this.

The Charter describes a set of measures that can be used to meet the challenges of research recruitment and mobility.

On February 3, 2016, OsloMet’s Charter & Code application was sent to the EU. On March 16, 2016 OsloMet became certified. The internal evaluation takes place in 2017 and the external evaluation in 2019.

  1. OsloMet's Charter & Code website (
  2. International Careers ( - information about working and researching at OsloMet for international researchers.

OsloMet received the the Charter and Code certification from the EU Commission on March 16, 2016 with the right to use the logo as a HR Excellence in Research (HRS4R) institution. The certification is meant to make the research career more attractive and to make it easier for researchers to move around in Europe.

Logo HR Excellence in Research (HRS4R)

OsloMet can now use the HR Excellence in Research (HRS4R)" logo to help promote itself as a supplier of a stimulating and beneficial working environment. The logo reflects OsloMet's commitment to continuously improving in line with the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct when recruiting researchers, and in particular the obligation to achieve fair and transparent recruitment and demarcation procedures. See the logo (JPG) and a graphic guide (PDF).

European mobility portal

A number of fellow and researcher positions are published on the European EURAXESS portal. As a researcher you can apply directly to advertised positions or submit your CV. You will also find an overview of the various institutions that use the portal. 

Scholarships and funding channels

The Research Council's scholarship base ( brings together all mobility scholarships of relevance to Norwegian researchers. The scholarship base provides a brief presentation of the Research Council’s mobility grants as well as those of and other actors. It contains information about who may apply, what to apply for and how much support is provided. 

Internal funds

Overseas scholarships for postdoctoral and doctoral research fellows are meant to encourage stays abroad at respectable research environments and to help strengthen the contact between these and OsloMet.

Check list for researchers going out – planning the stay abroad 

Both in advance of a stay abroad, during the stay and before returning to Norway, there are many practical things that should be in order. At OsloMet it is R&D and the local HR departments that assist with employee mobility. Some things must be arranged from Norway in advance, while other things must be arranged in cooperation with the host institution in the country you are going to.

Since European countries and the United States have been the most popular destinations for employee mobility, here you will find useful checklists that should be considered when planning your stay abroad. There are also mobility programmes in a number of other countries.

Internal procedures ahead of departure

The local contacts at HR and payroll here at OsloMet must be informed of the date of departure and the duration of your stay. This is important both for security reasons, so that HR knows where you are in case of emergencies and is prepared to receive them when you return, as well as in relation to a correct management of payroll and tax questions. 


