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Ferie | Arbeid, ferie og permisjon - Ansatt

Holidays and time off for seniors Holidays and time off for seniors

Here you will find information about holidays and holiday leave.

The length of the holiday is 5 weeks – 25 working days. If you are working part-time with weekly days off, these days will be considered as holiday days, cf. section 5, point 1 of the Act Relating to Holidays.

You are entitled to full holiday leave even if you have not earned the right to full holiday pay. If you start in a new position after 30 September you are only entitled to one week of holidays.

Employees can only object to taking statutory holiday and holiday covered by the collective agreement to the extent that holiday pay does not cover the loss of pay during holiday absence. 

  • Apply for holidays

    TA employees

    • TA employees must apply for holidays in the SAP portal prior to implementation.
    • The main holiday / the summer holiday will be applied for by 1 May.

    TR employees

    • TR employees choosing to have their days off outside of the main holiday / summer holiday must apply for this in the SAP portal prior to implementation.
    • TR employees do not need to apply for a main holiday / summer holiday. Since all their days off must fall in teaching-free periods, the summer holiday will be pre-registered and the work schedule will indicate the net number of working hours – holidays deducted.

    Here is information on how to apply for vacation days in the SAP-portal.

  • Illness during the holiday

    • If you have a 100 per cent sick leave by the beginning of the holiday, the entire holiday may be postponed until later in the year - claims for postponement must be promoted before the last working day before the holiday.
    • With a 100 per cent sick leave during the holiday you may claim to be granted the corresponding number of days later in the year. In this case, a medical certificate (not self-certification of absence) must be delivered immediately after the holiday is over.
    • Employees on partial sick leave cannot demand postponement of holidays.
    • Illness of persons other than the employee do not entitle him / her to postpone the holiday.
    • Days off that have not been taken advantage of due to illness are automatically transferred to the subsequent year.
  • Transferring or taking holidays in advance

    TR employees

    TR employees work schedules are presented net, i.e. that all holiday and extra holiday days for employees over the age of 60 are deducted from the number of hours. The main rule is therefore that TR employees are not to transfer holidays. An exception is made for absence due to illness or parental leave. The manager must therefore approve whether holidays are deemed to have been taken or can be transferred. If holiday days are transferred, the days must be taken into account in the work schedule for the following semester and entered there. If holiday days are transferred, the employee must apply for holiday in the DFØ app or SAP portal (transferred holiday days are not registered in advance by HR).

    Holidays in advance

    Holidays can be taken in advance by agreement, but only for the number of days holiday pay has been accrued when the holiday is to be taken.

  • Holiday pay during paid leave of absence

    In case of illness during paid leave of absence, you will earn the right to holiday pay. Leave of absence with partial salary will affect the earning possibilities.

  • Time off for seniors (seniordager)

    • From the calendar year in which they reach the age of 62 years, the employee is entitled to eight days off per year with salary.
    • Part-time employees have the right to a proportionate number of days off.
    • All employees must apply for these days themselves in the SAP portal/DFØ app. 
    • The days off can be taken as full or half days, or as reduced working hours, by agreement with the manager.
    • The days cannot be transferred to the next calendar year, or paid out as salary.

    More information about time off for seniors in the Employee Handbook (

  • Disbursement of holiday pay

    The calculation is done in June and the holiday pay allowance is disbursed along with the June salary.

  • The SAP portal and the DFØ app

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Centre for Welfare and Labour Research (SVA)

SVA employees must still contact HR at SVA for questions about holidays.