New features in course evaluation


Picture of students.

Foto: Benjamin A. Ward/OsloMet

New features in course evaluation

Improvements have been made to the tool that you as a teacher can use to gather feedback from students on courses.

Many teachers have started using the CES (Course Evaluations and Surveys) tool in Canvas, since its introduction last autumn.

The tool allows you as a teacher to conduct course evaluations in a systematic and user-friendly way. It simplifies gathering feedback from students on teaching, makes it easy to generate reports, and supports quality work at OsloMet.

The introduction of the tool was done as a project under the initiative A better student experience. The project has made improvements based on a survey conducted among teachers/course coordinators:

  • It is now possible to add course-specific questions

  • You can include pre-defined questions about supervised professional training, designed in collaboration with teachers from study programmes where professional training is central

The project hopes these changes will contribute to a tool that helps course coordinators gather feedback from students for course improvement.

Most course coordinators who responded to the survey expressed that the best thing about the tool was that it was easy to use and required little effort on their part.

Student response to course surveys

In Spring 2023, course surveys were sent out to over 6,500 students in over 100 courses. Over 2,500 students completed the course evaluation. So far in the autumn semester 2023, well over 8,000 students have been invited to give their opinion on the subject they are taking.

The variation in response rates between courses was much smaller in Spring 2023 than in 2022. Student notifications have been improved:

  • Students in courses where CES is enabled now receive more notifications in Canvas

  • To ensure that students can easily access the surveys, a global announcement appears in Canvas for students in courses where CES is being used

  • The emails students receive have also been changed to provide more information on how to access the surveys

  • The user guide for course coordinators includes information on the timing of student reminders

  • Course coordinators can provide students with a link to the Canvas course to access the survey

If you cannot find answers to your questions in the user guide (only available in Norwegian), you can contact us via email at: