New strategy for OsloMet - asking for input


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New strategy for OsloMet - asking for input

Rector is asking faculties, centres, divisions and the Student Parliament to discuss issues related to the new strategy.

The work to develop a new strategy for OsloMet is now moving into the last part of the input phase.

"A successful strategy for OsloMet provides a clear direction and basis for prioritization, creates a common identity and says something about who we are as a university. To be successful with such a strategy, it is necessary that the content is based on input from the organisation itself", says Rector Christen Krogh.

So far, input has come through faculty and centers, joint management meetings, an open strategy meeting for all employees and students, and board seminars. In addition, there has been a strategy workshop with our partners outside the university.

The focus has been on identifying what we want with a strategy for OsloMet, and how OsloMet will deal with challenges in the years to come.

Four main challenges

The implications for societal challenges can be summarised in four main challenges

  • climate, sustainability and the natural basis

  • the sustainability of the welfare state

  • trust, citizenship, diversity and democracy

  • conflict and economic uncertainty

Rector now invites faculties, centres, the joint administration and the Student Parliament to provide input on what should be OsloMet's obligations related to each of the four societal challenges. The deadline for responses is 21 March.

"We hope it will create commitment, and that everyone uses the opportunity to give their input. The new strategy must guide the development of the entire organisation going forward", says vice-rector Per Martin Norheim-Martinsen. He is leading the work on the new OsloMet strategy.

Strategy square and strategy workshop

Work on a new strategy started this autumn. At the strategy square meeting in December, for all employees and students, we asked for input on, among other things, what is needed for a strategy to be useful.

At the strategy workshop for external partners in January, we received input and views on what role OsloMet has in society now and what role OsloMet should have in the future. And in what way this should be reflected in the new strategy.

"We have received a lot of useful input. The first three societal challenges are mainly based on input from faculties and centers before Christmas. The fourth challenge has been identified through other arenas for participation", says Norheim-Martinsen.

The way forward

On 29 March, staff and students are invited to a new input meeting.

After the input phase, a first draft of the new strategy will be made during the spring. In the autumn, the second draft will be ready, before the strategy is adopted by the board.

Learn more about the work with the new strategy