Provide international guest researchers and staff a place to live


Picture of building at campus.

Provide international guest researchers and staff a place to live

More international researchers and staff are now coming to OsloMet and lack a place to live. Can you help with rental housing?

Both renting a room in shared housing, apartment, or house are of interest.

We have several new colleagues starting at OsloMet shortly that are from Palestine, as part of the Scholars at Risk program. They will be looking for family housing, 3-4 bedrooms in Oslo and surroundings for 4 - 6 months.

If you have the opportunity to rent out housing to international colleagues, please contact OsloMet International Staff.

If you have tips on anyone taking a sabbatical or other research stay where the house or apartment will be available for some months and would be interested to rent out to our new colleagues, please send us info.  

Many thanks!

Read more about OsloMet International Staff Service (OMISS)

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