Retningslinjer for bevertning og representasjon ved OsloMet - Ansatt

Guidelines for catering and representation at OsloMet

Guidelines for catering and representation at OsloMet

Below you will find the guidelines for catering and representation, including ordering food for conferences and other events. The guidelines apply to all employees in connection with catering and representation on the university's account, regardless of whether it takes place within or outside ordinary working hours, at or outside of OsloMet.
  • Rules and regulations for catering and representation

    The Personnel Handbook for State Employees provides clear guidelines for representation, catering and food expenses etc. (, in Norwegian)

    To ensure a common understanding and practice of the Personnel Handbook’s provisions, OsloMet has specified the government’s indications in the guidelines below. The guidelines were approved by Rector 07.03.2023.

  • Rules for catering

    Catering is the remuneration that you can receive for food ordered for meetings and conferences, etc. As a main rule, the employer does not provide catering for its own employees.

    For events with internal participants only, catering can be considered in specific circumstances, see section 2.2 “Other events”. 

    2.1 Catering for meetings, councils and committees

    Catering can be provided for:

    • Meetings and events with external participants (non-OsloMet employees).

    • Meetings of boards, councils and committees and the like with external participants

    • Conferences and termination ceremonies of internal committee work or other major projects.

    2.2 Other events

    Catering may be offered at special events with internal participants only.

    • For events with internal participants only, the event manager may consider serving beverages (coffee, tea, etc.) if the meeting, course or seminar lasts more than an hour.

    • If an event lasts more than 3 hours simple lunches can be served. Lunch expenses must not exceed NOK 224,- (for 2023, NOK 208,-) per participant

    • For internal meetings lasting 3 hours or more and exceed ordinary working hours, and for which it is necessary to provide more than just sandwiches, coffee and tea, NOK 507,- (for 2023, NOK 471,-) can be spent on each participant.

    • For full-day events that extend beyond ordinary working hours and where two servings are required, up to NOK 740,- (for 2023, NOK 688,-) can be spent on each participant.

    • In connection with end of terms events such as Christmas lunch, summer parties etc., catering for up to NOK 507,- per participant may be provided for.

    • In connection with disputation, a reception with simple serving may be held. Note that disputation is not considered a special event that justifies use of representation rates. 

    • In connection with the celebration of employees who have been employed for 20, 30 or 40 years at the university, employees who turn 50, 60 or 70 years of age, and employees retiring or ending at least 10 years of service at the university, a simple ceremony may be held. See our guidelines for gifts.

    The Rector has granted the deans, heads of center, Pro-Rectors and Director of Division the authority to decide whether catering may be provided for at other internal meetings/events. The consent may be given by electronic approval in the procurement system or by attaching it to the order. In reimbursement cases the written consent must always be attached.   

  • Catering rates

    The rates for catering for 2024:

    • Less than 3 hours during working hours:
      • Catering on OsloMet's premises (canteen, meeting rooms, dining rooms etc.): Up to NOK 224
      • Catering at external premises (outside OsloMet): Up to NOK 336
    • Over 3 hours during working hours:
      • Catering on OsloMet's premises (canteen, meeting rooms, dining rooms etc.): Up to NOK 224
      • Catering at external premises (outside OsloMet): Up to NOK 336
    • Over 3 hours exceeding regular working hours:
      • Catering on OsloMet's premises (canteen, meeting rooms, dining rooms etc.): Up to NOK 507
      • Catering at external premises (outside OsloMet): Up to NOK 760
    • For lengthy events for which two servings are necessary, lunch and dinner
      • Catering on OsloMet's premises (canteen, meeting rooms, dining rooms etc.): Up to NOK 740
      • Catering at external premises (outside OsloMet): Up to NOK 1110
    • For lengthy events for which two servings are necessary, external lunch and dinner on campus
      • Catering on OsloMet's premises (canteen, meeting rooms, dining rooms etc.): Up to NOK 854
    • For lengthy events for which two servings are necessary, lunch on campus and external dinner
      • Catering on OsloMet's premises (canteen, meeting rooms, dining rooms etc.): Up to NOK 997

    The general rule is that OsloMet’s premises/campus must be used for catering.

    Following an assessment of the individual event, the deans, Pro-Rectors, centre managers or division director may deviate from the limits up to the maximum limit for representation; NOK 1622,-.

    The application and approval must be documented, either by electronic approval in the procurement system or by attaching written consent in the payment documents, the invoice  or reimbursement claim.

  • Representation

    Representation is expenses for catering in the form of lunch, dinner, banquet or other extensive meals, or expenses for receptions, excursions, etc. where external guests participate.

    The event qualifying at representation must be a special occasion and requires a certain level for formality. Representation is normally restricted to events where Rector participates and represents the university in meeting with representatives of governments, parliaments, other universities etc.  

    Rates for representation for 2024

    Simple lunch/reception

    • Domestic: NOK 597 (NOK 776*)
    • Abroad: Cost rate for country /+ 30 per cent**)
    • At home: NOK 478 (NOK 621*)


    • Domestic: NOK 1622 (NOK 2109*)
    • Abroad: Cost rate for country /+ 30 per cent**)
    • At home: NOK 1298 (NOK 1687*)

    * Increased rate for high-level guests

    ** Increased rate for special events, subject to justification.

    3.2 Domestic representation

    Whether an event is to be regarded as representation is dependent of the decision from Rector, the deans, head of center, Pro-Rectors or Director of Division. The decision must be made following an assessment of each specific case. The decision must be made in writing before the event takes place and be attached to the payment documentation.

    Maximum rates have been set for 2024 with effect from 1st January 2024.

    • Lunch / dinner: up to NOK 1622,- per person.

    • Simpler lunch / reception: up to NOK 597,- per person.

    • Increased rate: rates can be increased by up to 30% if high-level foreign guests are present. The rector determines when the increased rates can be applied.

    Cultural performances:

    If the event includes cultural features, e.g. a theatre performance, an opera, ballet or a sports event, this can be covered in addition to the representation rates. The same applies to expenses for flowers, wardrobe fees etc. Expenses on cultural features must be clarified and approved in advance and be attached to the case.

    3.3 Representation abroad

    The Rector designates the persons with the general authority to consent to representation abroad. These are, in addition to Rector, the deans, heads of center, Pro-Rectors and Director of Division. A single case assessment must be made in writing by the authorized person before the representation takes place and be attached to the case.

    When employees at OsloMet are hosts responsible for serving lunch or dinner during service assignments abroad, the expense limit per person equals the food rate of the country in question ( If, exceptionally, the representation cannot be kept within the rate of the country in question, it may be increased by 30%. This must be documented separately.

    3.4 Representation at home

    Rector, the deans, heads of center, Pro-Rectors and Director of Division may in some cases consent to home representation. The assessment must be made in writing before the representation takes place and be attached to the case.

    For this kind of representation, legitimate expenses are refunded by up to 80% of the rates that apply to other types of representation.

  • Serving of alcohol

    The working environment at OsloMet must be drug-free for students and employees. Therefore, alcohol should not be served / enjoyed during core hours i.e. before 2:30 pm on OsloMet's areas. See OsloMets guidelines for substance abuse and gaming activities.

    This applies to OsloMet’s premises as well as SiO's eateries at OsloMet’s areas, student basements, festival tents and other temporary eateries.

    Alcoholic beverages are only covered financially if served along with food. The costs for alcoholic beverages are included in the rates for catering / representation and should not be added to the rates mentioned in 2.1.1 and 3.1. The main rule for alcohol with dinner is two glasses of average price class per person per dinner. According to Norwegian tax law, tax exempt catering must be "modest".  

    For when and how to apply for a license to serve alcohol, see Oslo Municipality's ( website.

  • Tips and gratuity

    As a main rule, no tips are to be given on the Norwegian government's account. Tips will as a general rule not be refunded and are not tax exempt in reimbursement claims.

    Exceptions can be made in cases of representation in countries where it is common to tip or where fixed service fees are added to the bill, see examples at

    The permission to provide tips and gratuity must be pre-approved and attached to the payment document (the invoice or refund claim).

    Tips that are to be covered/reimbursed must be documented or substantiated.

    If participants to a dinner etc. wishes to tip the serving staff, chief etc., these expenses must be covered privately. We recommend strongly to inform all dinner guests of these restrictions before the catering event. 

  • Documentation of expenses

    Expenses on expenses on catering and representation must be documented with payment documents and/or receipts. The number of participants must be clearly stated and, as a general rule, named.

    All receipts and documentation must be enclosed. The purpose of the catering / representation and a justification of the use of the specific rates must follow the receipts. It must be clearly stated whether the receipts are related to catering or representation.

    The participant list and programme must follow the appendices. If the group of participants is a known group (e.g. the OsloMet board or the HR forum), it is sufficient to state the group's name and number of members. The names of any external guests must always be stated along with the name of the business they represent. The programme of the entire event must be attached.

    These rules follow tax laws and regulations of Norway and can not be disregarded. All expenses and reimbursement that do not comply to these rules will be subject to income tax. 

  • Overtime food expenses

    Employees who do not get paid for overtime work can receive a reimbursement of overtime food expenses, according to SPH 10.11.4 (

    Overtime food can under special circumstances also be provided for employees with overtime pay.

    These conditions apply for all cases for overtime food coverage:

    • Employees must have been working or attending a meeting/conference for at least 3 hours outside of standard working hours.  

    • The reimbursement cannot exceed NOK 200,- 

    • The expense must be documented with the receipt of the purchase.

    • The overtime work must be mandatory and ordered by the employees nearest manager. Employees cannot claim overtime food coverage when they choose to work outside of standard working hours.

    • The personnel manager of the employee decides whether overtime food will be covered. 

    • The number of work hours is to be documented by a screen shot of the overtime registration in the SAP portal, which is to be added to the expense claim.