Publisering av ph.d.-avhandling | Formidling og publisering - Ansatt

Printing and publishing PhD theses

Printing and publishing PhD theses

Skriftserien at OsloMet prints and publishes PhD theses.

Printing on submission

When submitting the thesis for evaluation, five copies must be printed to the commission, except for submissions at the Faculty of Health Sciences where the commission receives the thesis as a PDF file.

The PhD program administration must send the file and the order for printing to Skriftserien.

Printing for the public defence disputation

When the thesis has been approved and the date for the disputation has been set, the PhD thesis is printed. The administration orders and pays for the number that must be available for the disputation at Skriftserien. Skriftserien provides a front page, colophon page, contact with the printer and legal deposit to the National Library.

Publication after the public defence disputation

The thesis can be made available as a publication in OsloMet's Skriftserie after the disputation. The publication makes it easy for others (for example researchers and libraries) to obtain the thesis.

If you wish to publish your thesis, you must sign a publishing agreement (.docx), which you will be sent after the disputation. A signed PDF version of the agreement can also be sent by e-mail to the University Library's Research Support Services.

Among other things, you must consider:

  • whether the thesis is to be published in print and/or digitally (both in Skriftserien and ODA).
  • the type of license is applicable (Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY-SA) license/or other).
  • whether there is a need for help in clarifying the rights of already published articles.

Depending on what you choose in the agreement, the thesis will be available for purchase in either a printed version and/or a free download of PDF from the Skriftserien's website ( and in OsloMet's open institutional repository for scientific publications, ODA (

Article-based thesis and publication rights

For article-based theses, it is important to be aware of the agreement(s) done by publishers/journals that have published the various articles. The University Library fronted by the section for Research Support Services (e-mail) can assist with the clarification of publication rights.

In a digital edition (download from the Skriftserien's website ( and in ODA (, articles published in Open Access journals will be the same as the published article. If the article is published by a publisher that does not allow further publication, the author should check with the publisher for permission to publish a pre-print version of the article. If such permission is not granted, the article is removed from the thesis, but it can still be linked to.  

