Retningslinjer for tildeling og bruk av mobiltelefon eller abonnement | Brukerstøtte IT - Ansatt

Guidelines for allocating and using mobile phones and subscriptions

Guidelines for allocating and using mobile phones and subscriptions

Employees at OsloMet - the metropolitan university can be granted coverage for costs for the purchase of a mobile phone and for ongoing use costs for mobile telephony.
  • General information

    The purpose is to standardize routines for the purchase of mobile phones, cover consumption costs, ensure financial savings in relation to consumption through the right forms of subscription and to create a correct basis for ongoing taxable costs. 

    Tools for managers 

    Furthermore, it also intends to function as a tool for managers in relation to clarifying/defining who is covered for the purchase/use of a mobile phone and up to what amount. 

    Finally, its purpose is to clarify which services employees receive when using the mobile phone as part of electronic communication services (ECOM services). 


    Employees at OsloMet can be granted coverage for costs for the purchase of a mobile phone and for ongoing use costs for mobile telephony. 

    The approval takes place when the position's work tasks and responsibilities indicate that the employee must be reached/need a telephone in the service. 

    To meet the requirements for mobility, flexible working methods and accessibility, mobile phones are one of our standard solutions together with laptops. The mobile phone is linked to the position, and the need must be carefully considered. 

    The guidelines apply to all employees at OsloMet - the metropolitan university. 

    Upon procurement

    In all procurements, the current power of attorney structure at the university must be followed. Furthermore, Act no. 69 of 16 July 1999 on public procurement and regulations issued pursuant to this Act shall be complied with. 

    Employment contracts at HiO/HiAK 

    The guidelines do not override the cases where coverage of relevant expenses is specified in agreements through previous or special employment contracts at HiO/HiAK, but must as far as possible be harmonized with new guidelines (valid from 2014). 

    Employment contracts at OsloMet 

    When concluding new employment contracts for OsloMet, however, the new guidelines will be used as a basis. 

    Tax rules for employer-financed electronic communications services (ECOM, in Norwegian) 

  • Management responsibilities

    All management levels are responsible for implementing the guidelines. 

    Level 2 managers may make exceptions to the guidelines. Exceptions must be considered separately and documented. 

    The manager must notify the Section for Finance and the Department for Finance, Section for Payroll and Accounting, so that you always have an overview of which employees are covered by costs in accordance with this guideline. 

  • Acquisition of mobile phone and subscription 

    Mobile phone 

    The employee orders a mobile phone at Sentralen (

    Mobile phones are only covered if the employee has a subscription through OsloMet or is reimbursed for subscription costs through OsloMet. 

    Mobile phone subscription

    • The employee orders a new subscription in the ordering system.
    • Completing the order form includes reading and accepting the agreement on the use of EKOM services at OsloMet.
    • The manager/BDM approves the order in the ordering system.
    • The Section for Economics at the individual faculty, as well as the Department of Economics, Section for Salaries, are automatically notified that the employee has been granted that the mobile subscription is covered by OsloMet.

    Access to employer-financed service telephone is taxable, and it is taxed according to current tax rules. 

    Termination and transfer of mobile telephone agreement 

    When the conditions for the agreement lapse, or the salary of an employee is stopped, the agreement with an assigned service telephone also ceases (long-term sick leave, leave, dismissal). You can apply to keep your telephone number. 

    The responsibility for notifying the termination of the agreement lies with the person who has the granting authority. 

    If the service telephone is transferred to another employee, a contact person must be notified. 

  • Invoicing

    The faculties and departments are themselves responsible for costs related to purchasing and use (traffic). 

    Arrangements have been made for faculties and departments to be invoiced directly to their cost center and in such a way that a distinction is made between costs related to procurement and costs related to use. 


  • ECOM form

    Form for electronic communication services - ECOM services

    This form appears (digitally) for approval during the ordering process and is no longer a physical form that needs to be printed and signed.

  • Help?

  • Costs?

    OsloMet has an agreement with the firm Mytos on cost sharing where OsloMet and you as an employee share the costs. 

    OsloMet covers the following 

    • all voice calls, SMS and MMS in Norway 
    • all data in data package 
    • up to 100, - per month for use abroad 

    Employees cover the following 

    • costs exceeding NOK 100 abroad 
    • information services 
    • content services 
    • additional data packets in addition to the assigned data packet 

    What you as an employee cover will come as a payroll deduction the following month. 

    On the 22nd of each month, you will receive an e-mail from Mytos with some information and a link to log in to check any payroll deductions. 

    If overconsumption of mobile services is work-related and you are notified of a deduction from your salary, you should still not be deducted from your salary. Form - STOP DRAW – (.doc, in Norwegian) is signed by the manager with BDM and sent to lø

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