Fire instructions - Ansatt

Fire instructions

Fire instructions

It is your duty to leave the building in the event of a fire alarm, or if you discover a fire.

It is most important to ‘notify’ and ‘save’. You must use your judgement to determine whether you should spend time extinguishing and limiting the fire.


Notify everyone in your proximity. Use the nearest fire alarm call point.
Call the fire service on 110!


Help those who need assistance to get to safety.


Try to extinguish the fire if you can – use the closest fire hose or fire extinguisher.

Limit damage

Close – but do not lock – doors and windows when you leave the building.


Leave via smoke-free escape routes, do not use the lifts. Evacuate to the nearest safe place.

Follow the instructions from the appointed staff at OsloMet and/or the fire services.

Contact in case of emergency

Contact in case of emergency

Emergency numbers: Fire - 110, police - 112, ambulance - 113

Help at OsloMet - security

Phone :
Open 24 hours:
Contact emergency services before you contact OsloMet security.


E-mail :

Inquiries regarding fire safety and reporting non-conformities.