Eksponeringsregister | Helse, miljø og sikkerhet - Ansatt

Exposure registry

Exposure registry

Employees who are or may become exposed to carcinogenic or mutagenic chemicals and lead must be registered in the college exposure registry. This applies to both students and staff.

Section 31-1 of the "Regulation concerning the performance of work" specifies the kind of exposures that must be registered. All units that use materials subject to mandatory registration must ensure that the requirements of this regulation are observed.

Local procedures should indicate who holds which responsibilities and who performs which tasks in association with the registrations. 

Roles and tasks

Line manager

The line manager is responsible for ensuring that the local procedures meet with current legislation, regulations and guidelines.

The line manager must ensure that

  • all employees are given the necessary information about regulatory requirements as well as how to register their exposures
  • students receive information about the registry, what is being registered, who is registering their exposures and what rights they have to have access
  • laboratory supervisors are familiar with their roles
  • students’ basic data is registered
  • all exposures are registered

Chemical database contact

The chemical database contact must:

  • manage the exposure registration in the unit
  • enter employees’ basic data into the registry
  • enter students’ exposures into the registry
  • follow up the registration procedures
  • provide guidance and information if others are registering data
  • be a liaison to the unit for HSE in matters pertaining to registration

Laboratory supervisor

The laboratory supervisor (work manager) must, in consultation with the chemical database, contribute in the registration of student exposures in the exposure registry. Employees and students must follow the procedures established for this area and help ensure that all work subject to mandatory registration is registered immediately.


Employees register their own exposures.


For student groups, one should facilitate for a simple registration of each exposure. It may be convenient to use some sort of form for this purpose. The form must NOT contain personal identification numbers. The laboratory supervisor must register general information about what work is being performed and which substances are being used. The students must write their own names on the list and specify the length of exposure, how the work was carried out, what protective equipment was used and any incidents or deviations from the procedure. The registrations must be entered into the exposure register immediately and the lists must then be shredded.

Students working on individual projects should be informed in detail about the registration requirements as well as how the registrations should be made. One must be able to document the contents of the information given as well as the fact that it has been received. The students themselves must write down any necessary information that must then be delivered to the chemical database contact. Once the registration has been made, the note must be returned to the student with a signature.

What should be registered

The following information must be registered in the exposure registry:

  • Basic data (name and personal identity number)
  • Date of exposure
  • Duration of exposure
  • Which substance(s) one could have been exposed to
  • Concentration (solid or liquid chemicals and chemical products that are used undiluted are considered as pure substances)
  • What kind of work was performed
  • How the work was performed
  • If any protective equipment was used and, if so, the type – NB! Type of gloves, masks, filters etc. must be specified

Internal documents

