Applying for promotions - Ansatt

Useful information to know before applying for promotion

Useful information to know before applying for promotion

These formal requirements must be met before you can apply for promotion to teaching and research positions. Contact your immediate superior and your faculty's HR section when you want to start the process of applying for promotion.
  • For temporary position pursuant to the Act relating to Universities and University Colleges Section 6-5

  • For promotion to professor

    • You must have taken up a førsteamanuensis associate professor position.
    • You must be employed in a permanent or fixed-term position.
    • You must be employed in at least 50% of a full-time position.
    • You may only apply for promotion within the subject area in which you are employed at OsloMet.
    • If you have previously applied for promotion, two years must elapse from the submission of your previous application before you can apply again. The two-year limit applies even if you withdrew your last application for promotion.
    • If OsloMet has advertised a professorship in your area of expertise, you must wait for two years from the application deadline before you can apply for promotion. This applies regardless of whether you applied for the position and were found not to be qualified or did not apply.
    • Please remember that it is important that you enclose all your documentation with your application, as it is not possible to forward documentation later. See also the Guidelines for the assessment of educational competence at OsloMet.
    • If you want to use a previous assessment of qualifications from a Norwegian institution as a basis for applying for promotion, the assessment must be no more than six years old, and it must be unanimous and indisputable. See the separate section below for information about assessments from institutions other than OsloMet.
    • Promotion is granted by the appointment committee for professors, senior researchers and dosent professors, and is granted with effect from the date of receipt of the application.
  • For promotion to dosent professor

    • You must have taken up a førstelektor associate professor position.
    • You must be employed in a permanent or fixed-term position.
    • You must be employed in at least 50% of a full-time position.
    • You may only apply for promotion within the subject area in which you are employed at OsloMet.
    • If you have previously applied for promotion, two years must elapse before you can apply again.
    • Please remember that it is important that you enclose all your documentation with your application, as it is not possible to forward documentation later (unless requested by the expert committee).
    • Promotion is granted by the appointment committee for professors, senior researchers and dosent professors, and is granted with effect from the first day of the month after the application was submitted.
  • For promotion to førstelektor associate professor

    • You must have taken up an universitetslektor assistant professor position.
    • You must be employed in a permanent or fixed-term position.
    • You must be employed in at least 50% of a full-time position.
    • You may only apply for promotion within the subject area in which you are employed at OsloMet.
    • If you have previously applied for promotion, you cannot submit another application for promotion until two years have elapsed since notification of the rejection was given.
    • Promotion is granted by the appointment committee for teaching and research positions, and is granted with effect from the first day of the month after the application was submitted.
  • For promotion to researcher 1183

    • You must have taken up a permanent position, fixed-term position or externally funded position, and the employment relationship must have a duration of three years or more from the time of the application for promotion.
    • You may only apply for promotion within the subject/research area in which you are employed at OsloMet.
    • If you have previously applied for promotion, two years must elapse before you can apply again.
    • If you want to use a previous declaration of professorial qualifications from a Norwegian institution as a basis for applying for promotion, the assessment must be no more than six years old, and it must be unanimous and indisputable.
    • The deadline for applying for promotion to researcher 1183 is 1 May every year.
    • It is not possible to forward work after the application deadline.
    • Promotion is granted by the appointment committee for professors, senior researchers and dosent professors, and is granted with effect from the date of application.
  • For promotion to researcher 1109

    • You must have taken up a permanent position, fixed-term position or externally funded position, and the employment relationship must have a duration of two years or more from the time of the application for promotion.
    • You may only apply for promotion within the subject/research area in which you are employed at OsloMet.
    • If you have previously applied for promotion, you cannot submit another application for promotion until one year has elapsed since notification of the rejection was given.
    • Promotion is granted by the appointment committee for teaching and research positions, and is granted with effect from the first day of the month after the application was submitted.
  • For promotion to førstebibliotekar

  • Assessment of qualifications from another institution

    If you have applied for a position at another Norwegian institution and want to use the assessment made in connection with that application process to apply for promotion at OsloMet, please note the following:

    • You cannot submit your application for promotion until the other institution has made a final decision on appointment. This must be confirmed. You can apply for promotion even if you were not offered the position.
    • If you are the only one or one of a small number of people who have been found to be qualified for the position, you have to ‘see it through’. If you withdraw your application once your qualifications have been assessed, you risk that no decision on appointment is made, and you will not be able to use the assessment of qualifications as a basis for your application for promotion at OsloMet, cf. the first bullet point.
    • If no previous decision to approve assessments from the institution in question has been made, the appointment committee will conduct a general assessment as well as a specific assessment of the assessment of qualifications.
    • The appointment committee also assesses whether the subject area in which you applied for a position at the other institution corresponds to the subject area in which you are employed at OsloMet.
    • Assessments of qualifications used as a basis for applying for promotion must be unanimous and indisputable.
    • For promotion to professor and researcher 1183 positions, the assessment of qualifications cannot be more than six years old.
  • Useful links 

  • Tools