Hvordan søke eksternfinansiering | FoU-håndbok - Ansatt

How to apply for external funding for R&D projects

How to apply for external funding for R&D projects

Below follows instructions about how to prepare, quality assure and document a project application for external funds.

The head of department/immediate manager is responsible for approving the initiation of the application process. The dean/faculty director/head of centre is responsible for approving applications, unless the funding source requires approval from the rector. The project manager is responsible for the design and progress of the project application. 

  1. The preparation phase
  2. The development phase
  3. The approval phase
  4. Submission of the application
  5. Signing the contract
  6. Guidelines
  7. Relevant links

The preparation phase

The application process should start well ahead of the application deadline.

The project manager must get an approval from the budget manager (usually the immediate manager) to take use of resources for the development and planning of the project. The head of department will evaluate the project's academic relevance and feasibility.

If self-financing of the application for research funding is an option, the form for approval of self-financing and use of R&D time must be filled in (Word document).

The project manager contacts the R&D administration at the faculty for support in the application process, and the finance department at the faculty for drawing up a budget. It is important that administrative finance skills are guaranteed early in the application process. The use of resources/self-financing that the unit commits itself to in the application must be agreed upon with the budget manager. 

The approval form for the application for external R&D funds (word) must be filled in and sent to the head of department along with the budget.

The faculty must inform the R&D section that an employee is preparing an application in connection with announcements requiring the college to rank the applications.

The development phase

The project manager writes a project application and contacts the faculty administration for review and budget setup.

The project manager is responsible for the compliance with notification obligations and for obtaining all necessary approvals (e.g. REK, NSD and The Data Inspectorate).

The project manager must consider who the owner of the project results should be and decide the way in which the results are to be used. The nature of OsloMet’s ownership rights depends on who the external funders are and whether they wish to have rights in the project. Results of a project funded by the public should as a rule be owned by OsloMet, see the IPR policy at OsloMet. The project manager must ensure that this is regulated by a cooperation agreement. Other rules apply for contractors who cooperate in a consortium, see the Research Council's templates for cooperation and consortium agreements (forskningsradet.no).

When applying for EU funds, the R&D section must be involved to assist with application design,  the communication with relevant personalities in the Norwegian Research Council and more.

The approval phase

Applications involving several departments must be approved both academically and economically by the dean/head of centre or by the faculty director/vice dean R&D by authority. The same rules apply when the rector is the one approving the application. Approval of applications involving only one department may be delegated to the head of department.

Electronic applications must also be approved as described above. An approval form must be filled in before the application is submitted.

Submission of application

The project manager submits the application and ensures that the archive, financial consultant, R&D advisor, budget manager and R&D section receive a copy in P360.

The faculty/centre (or the person appointed by the faculty director/head of centre) will normally be administratively responsible, unless the funding body requires otherwise.

Signing the contract

Contracts must be signed by the dean/head of centre. Authorisation to sign contracts may be delegated to the faculty director/vice dean R&D. Authorisation to sign contracts involving only one department may be delegated to the head of department. Contracts relating to EU-funded R&D projects must be signed by the rector.

Special for EU applications: the contract negotiation form and the draft for cooperation agreements must be sent to the R&D section for review and comments before being returned to the project coordinator.

Guidelines at OsloMet

Rules for contribution and contract work financing.

Relevant links