Temporary extension of the Scholars at Risk program


Temporary extension of the Scholars at Risk program

Temporary extension of the Scholars at Risk program

Oslo Metropolitan University strengthens the Scholars at Risk program temporarily. In addition to a provisional one-year SAR position for a Palestinian researcher, a scheme has been established for hosting vulnerable researchers on a short-term basis. Read about how to apply.

Rector has decided to strengthen the Scholars at Risk (SAR) program at the university with a temporary one-year SAR position. The basis for the decision is the war in Gaza.

Scholars at Risk (scholarsatrisk.org) is an international network that provides provisional placements for academics who, for political or other reasons (discrimination, expulsion, censorship, war, etc.), are not able to continue their work at their own institution. Oslo Metropolitan University currently has two SAR positions and is extending the program with a temporary one-year position for a Palestinian researcher at risk.

In addition, a provisional scheme is being established for short-term hosting of vulnerable Palestinian researchers. The scheme will give faculties and centers at the university the possibility to apply for funding to host specific Palestinian researchers for short-term stays of 3-6 months.

It is important that the faculties/centers have a specific plan for conducting and concluding the stay, possibly with a more long-term solution. This scheme, therefore, is relevant primarily to those research units, groups and centers that already have collaborations with Palestinian researchers. Funding is available for 2-4 such short-term stays.

The selection process for the provisional one-year SAR position follows normal procedures for the SAR program but is reserved for a Palestinian researcher.

Inclusive arena

Both the one-year temporary position and the short-term scheme is funded by rector’s available funds.

"The world situation highlights the decisive role universities have as an arena for inclusion, knowledge development, and for promoting principles such as human rights, democracy, and academic freedom" says rector Christen Krogh.

"It is important for Oslo Metropolitan University to stand together with university colleagues who have an unbearable situation as a result of war and conflict. By extending the SAR program we hope to be able to give some the possibility to resume their work in safe and secure environments" Krogh adds.

Research units that wish to welcome Palestinian researchers will receive practical assistance for the researchers’ new start in Norway and will be offered inclusion activities from Oslo Metropolitan University’s International Staff Service, the central on-boarding office for international staff and guest researchers.