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Video and audio files in teaching Video and audio files in teaching

Do you want to explore the possibilities of using videos and audio files in your teaching? OsloMet has several opportunities to make admissions for use in teaching. It is also possible to use video and podcasts in Canvas. DIGIN provides tips and guidance on which technology to choose.

Use of sound and image in teaching

Audio and image files (video) can be used as a basis for discussion in class, preparation for what is to happen in class and / or free up time so that the time you have with the students can be used for alternative arrangements. The film can be made available in Canvas, so students can rehearse the lecture or watch it at a later time if they were not present. You can also ask the students to see recordings of previous lectures before you meet physically, so that the content from the recording can form the basis for other activities together.


  • Make a good and detailed script with everything you need to say and show
  • Be short, consistent and "to the point" (students have less patience when watching video than when sitting in a lecture)
  • Concentrate on one topic
  • Make several short films on specific topics (divide)
  • Recommended length of movies is 3-4 minutes
  • Use illustrations / presentations / board (avoid that the whole film consists of a "talking head")
  • Speak relatively quickly (avoid those who see becoming impatient and fall off)
  • Ensure good sound quality by using headset (earplugs w / microphone) / microphone when recording (it is tiring with bad sound)
  • Good light is also important when shooting movies

Turn your Power Point presentation into a movie

PowerPoint has an additional feature that allows you to create a video of your presentation. You can film that new elements appear in a slide, for example that an important element is marked with a red circle. It is also possible to add audio so that you can "lecture" while viewing the PowerPoint slides. Then you can choose to have a video of yourself talking in the corner of the presentation. In this way, your presentation can be presented as a film with both moving image and sound, and become a digital element in the teaching. The film can be used in Canvas, here are instructions on how to do it.

Self film studio (selfie studio)

Film a mini-lecture with yourself in the lead role!

Here you can film short video clips of yourself. It is also possible to record presentations (PPT), websites, fill out forms, Excel or use the document camera. For example, you can film how you go about solving a problem. The threshold for using these rooms is low, and everyone should be able to use them after a simple introduction. Remember to do a test recording to check that the technique works.

Go to the overview of selfie rooms

Recording and streaming from classrooms and auditoriums

Create audio files, record the lecture or give students the opportunity to follow the lessons from another room. OsloMet has some teaching rooms that are suitable for streaming and recording lectures. In addition to film and sound studios. The Media Section assists in the recording of audio and video:

Flow between rooms (or online)

Streaming conveys your teaching to more than those who may be present during the lecture itself. It can be streamed to another classroom on campus or elsewhere, or students can follow the class from their own PC.

NB! Such productions are resource-intensive in terms of people and equipment, so contact the Media Section at least 3 weeks before the event is to be held.

Rooms with streaming must be reserved in the Schedule System (TP) via the scheduler at the faculty. REMEMBER! If you want to flow between two teaching rooms, both rooms must be reserved in TP.

Recording of teaching

Recording a lecture in the classroom means that the lecture can be distributed to participants afterwards, or used again in a new subject or on a later occasion.

NB! Such productions are resource-intensive in terms of people and equipment, so contact the Media Section at least 3 weeks before the event is to be held.

Rooms with streaming must be reserved in the Schedule System (TP) via the scheduler at the faculty.

Studio with professional help

In P48, OsloMet has a professional studio where you can make different types of "advanced" recordings. Here you can, among other things:

Make recordings with a green screen
Get help with editing and audio
Make recordings with several people involved who have a dialogue / discussion
Order the Media Section ( well in advance.

Audio Files / Podcasts

Bring along some good colleagues and discuss current topics, and let the students study on the tram. Podcasts / audio files make it possible to discuss issues with others from the field, or to do a self-reflection on a topic. Here you can get a new angle on the material and make it relevant to society. Students can learn good discussion and argumentation techniques, and it will be easy to hear subjects anywhere - on the tram or on a jog.

Equipment for podcasting can be borrowed at P48 (

