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Har du en forretningsidé? | Forskningsresultater - Ansatt

Do you have an idea? Do you have an idea?

Do you have an idea that could lead to a new product or service? Can your research lead to new methods and processes in business or the public sector?

We would like to encourage you as an employee to share your innovative and creative idea for evaluation of intellectual property rights and protection. Intellectual property rights can include patents, copyrights, trademarks or design rights. Do you have questions regarding intellectual property rights? Then you can either get in touch with one of the innovation contacts or the Norwegian Patent Office offers guidance at OsloMet for employees and students.

By registering and protecting intellectual property, we can ensure that your efforts and creativity are recognized and preserved.

Please contact the central innovation team in the R&D Department and submit your innovation idea. Submit the idea by completing a Disclosure of Invention form (DOFI). You will then be contacted by the innovation team for a discussion to assess the idea and determine what is needed to realize it as an innovation project.

DOFI form in English (

We will carefully review the submitted ideas in accordance with applicable guidelines. Please note that confidentiality will be maintained.

We encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity to protect and promote your innovative idea. Together, we can contribute to realizing the potential of the idea and creating impact for society.

If you have any questions or need assistance with filling out the DOFI form, please contact one of the innovation advisors at the faculty or center.


DOFI, which stands for 'Disclosure of Invention,' is the first formal step in documenting intellectual property rights. Within the OsloMet system, DOFI represents a broader description of an innovation or a creative idea. Therefore, it can also include ideas and solutions that do not require a patent. DOFI forms the basis for initiating commercialization projects, patent processes or innovation applications.

A DOFI submission should always include the date, names of inventors and a concise description highlighting the innovative and creative aspects of the idea.

Who has rights?

Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) are described in project contracts, consortium agreements, the Employees Inventions Act (Arbeidstakeroppfinnelsesloven) and OsloMet's IPR policy. However, these documents and policies do not specify who has the right to be recognized as the inventor, and this can be difficult to determine. Inventor(s) must be clarified before applying for a patent.

DOFI can be submitted even if the rights are not clarified, but they must be resolved early in the process.