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Work glasses and computer glasses

Work glasses and computer glasses

OsloMet has got a new agreement with Synsam for computer glasses / work glasses for employees at OsloMet per. 1 August 2021. Employees who are to acquire computer glasses / screen glasses must use the agreement with Synsam to receive a refund. The guidelines in English will be updated.

With reference to "Regulations on organisation, management and participation § 14-4", the university wishes to facilitate the work of employees who regularly work at a computer screen. One part of this arrangement is to acquire glasses for working at a computer screen to reduce and avoid strain.

OsloMet has from August 1st 2021, a framework agreement for the supply of eye examinations and computer glasses with Synsam. Employees who are to acquire computer glasses/work glasses must use the framework agreement with Synsam to get a refund.

Various terms are used for this type of glasses - computer glasses, work glasses, terminal glasses, screen glasses. The guidelines and the framework agreement deal with glasses for use while working at a screen, and it is an optician who makes the professional assessment of whether an employee has a need for computer glasses which triggers a right to reimbursement of costs. The guidelines use the broader term computer glasses.

Employees who work in front of a computer screen will get their expenses covered for eye examinations, and if the optician proves that there is a need for their special glasses for this purpose, they will get their expenses covered within the limits described below.

Briefly about the agreement

The agreement applies to all Synsam stores in Norway, but in OsloMet's immediate area there are 17 stores in Oslo, one store at Skedsmokorset and one store in Lillestrøm.

You book an appointment for an eye examination yourself at Synsam, they recommend that this be done online, but this can also be done by contacting the store directly.

Remember to state that you work at OsloMet in order to get the agreed prices, and you must bring your employee card with you to be able to legitimize your employment.

As an employee of OsloMet, you get covered glasses for computer glasses on the recommendation of an optician, these glasses have scratch protection and anti-reflective treatment. The glasses are usually either single strength glasses, screen progressive glasses or room progressive glasses (often used when working at a counter).

NB: Be aware that if you choose to upgrade the computer glasses with a more expensive glass and/or a different surface treatment than what is in the agreement, you will have to pay for the additional cost yourself.

If you cannot use normal computer glasses, but need other special vision-correcting aids that are suitable for your work, OsloMet will cover this. In such cases, there must always be a written confirmation from an optician of the need.

The starting point is that the glasses should be adapted so that they cover your need for computer glasses throughout the day, not that you should have several different computer glasses. Standard progressive glasses that are suitable for daily use are not considered computer glasses, and OsloMet does not cover expenses for glasses that are used in everyday/outside work.

You can choose a frame for up to NOK 600. NB: If you choose to buy a more expensive frame, you only pay the extra cost and get a 20 percent discount on this.

Guarantees: Synsam offers a two-year product guarantee, readjustment (service) throughout the life of the glasses, 100-day right of exchange and three months. habituation guarantee.

Recycling and reuse of glasses; Synsam collaborates with the organization "Vision for all", which ensures that used glasses find new owners around the world. Synsam also collects worn or broken glasses for recycling,  e.g. can new eyeglass models be developed from recycled materials.

Reimbursement of costs

You must pay for the eye exam and any appropriate glasses directly to the provider.

You will receive a confirmation from an authorized optician that special glasses are necessary for your work at a computer screen, and a receipt for your expenses.

To get a refund, the expense must be registered in the SAP portal, and you must upload a photo of the original receipts and confirmation(s) from the optician.


Before you purchase computer glasses, you must clarify this with your immediate manager with personnel responsibility. You must have a written confirmation from the manager - e-mail holder.

  • You must have a real need for computer glasses. If you already have glasses that meet your needs, you will not be entitled to computer glasses. The optician at Synsam will carry out this assessment.
  • The need must be approved in each individual case by a publicly approved optician.
  • You pay the bill for the examination and the computer glasses yourself.
  • Reimbursement of expenses is registered in the SAP portal.
  • SAP uses the term "terminal glasses" for computer glasses. You must select the "terminal glasses" category in the SAP portal when you register the expense.
  • The amount that you can get refunded is the sum of the entries "agreement frame", "agreement glass" and "agreement examination" on the receipt. The item "own share" on the receipt is possibly an intermediate payment that you must pay for yourself.
  • You must scan, upload or take a photo of the manager's confirmation, original receipts, as well as the optician's confirmation and any additional assessments and save this to your computer before you start recording the refund in the SAP portal.
  • See guide for reimbursements (

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