Retningslinje for melding og håndtering av avvik | Helse, miljø og sikkerhet - Ansatt

Reporting and managing nonconformities

Reporting and managing nonconformities

HSE guideline


To conduct a good preventive HSE work, HiOA wishes to identify all nonconformities in order to prevent similar or new nonconformities from occurring in in the future. HiOA will also ensure the rights of the injured party.

All nonconformities must be corrected, reported and prevented.


All HSE nonconformities , near misses and occupational accidents occurring at HiOA must be reported. This applies to students, employees and visitors as well as all activities organised by the university college regardless of the place of occurrence.


  • HSE nonconformity : the violation of statutory requirements (laws, regulations), internal regulations, objectives and plans that are discovered during the ongoing operation of the business or during internal audits.
  • Near miss: an undesirable event that, under changed conditions, could have caused personal injury, property or environmental damage.
  • Accident: an unplanned event resulting in personal injury, property or environmental damage.
  • Medical treatment: treatment by a doctor, nurse or other health professionals.
  • The reporter: the one who discovers the nonconformity
  • Line manager: immediate supervisor with HR responsibility
  • Work manager: the person supervising the students’ work in laboratories and workshops


Line managers are responsible for ensuring that nonconformities are reported and that events occurring within their own area of responsibility are followed up.

The work manager must contribute in making sure that nonconformities that regard students working in laboratories and workshops are reported.

The unit for HSE is responsible for forwarding the reported nonconformities .


Emergencies and serious accidents

The person who first becomes aware of an accident / emergency situation must notify in accordance with HiOA's contingency plans.

HSE nonconformities and near misses

Anyone who becomes aware of a nonconformity must report this with the "Nonconformity Notification Form".

Accidents (incidents with personal injury)

  • Employees, also applicable to students in laboratories and workshops
    The line manager must immediately notify the Labour Inspection Authority and the Police in the event of a serious accident. Accidents should be reported with the "Nonconformity Notification Form".
  • Students
    The student administration must immediately notify the police and, when appropriate, the Labour Inspection Authority in case of serious accidents. Accidents should be reported with the "Nonconformity Notification Form".

Following up incidents

Closure of nonconformities 

The line manager must follow up and ensure that necessary measures are taken. Where  laboratories and workshops are involved, the line manager must also follow up the measures related to incidents involving students.

Incidents in public areas and in regular teaching, reported by students, are followed up by the Unit for HSE.

nonconformities are closed by the Unit for HSE when all measures have been completed.

Personal injuries - employees

In case of personal injuries requiring medical treatment or implying absence, the line manager must ensure that a report of possible occupational injury is sent to NAV and SPK.

See routine for reporting occupational injury to NAV and SPK.

Personal injuries - students

In case of personal injury requiring medical treatment or implying absence, the student administration must ensure that a report on possible occupational injury is sent to NAV.

Filing and documentation

Nonconformity notifications are filed in OTRS

In case of personal injury, all documentation related to the follow-up of the injury must be filed in the staff folder. For students, such documents are filed in the student folder.

