Mottak av nyansatte

Mottak av nyansatte

Det er leders ansvar å planlegge introduksjonsperioden. Leder bestemmer selv hvilke andre ressurspersoner, som faddere og andre kolleger, som kan bistå i ulike praktiske gjøremål.

De neste seks månedene

De neste seks månedene

  1. Leader

    It is important that the leader has a good dialogue with the new employee and regular conversations during the trial period. We distinguish between the official probationary interviews, which must be documented and uploaded to P360, and regular follow-up interviews that will ensure good a relationship  between manager and employee.

  2. Employee

    • Participate in the central welcome day. An invitation will be sent by email
    • Participate in a welcome day locally. An invitation will appear in Outlook
    • Participate in professional discussions with the manager
  3. Sponsor/ mentor

    Include the new employee in social activities

  4. HR

    • Local HR invite to a local welcome day
    • HR community services invite you to a central welcome day. Organized twice per semester
    • OMISS invites inclusion events for international employees