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Admission card and keys - Ansatt

Admission card and keys Admission card and keys

Where is the admission card and keys issued from? How to change the PIN on the card? And to which buildings will you have access? How to change the PIN on your card? Here you will find necessary information about access control.

Problems with your admission card? Contact

  • Personal admission card

    • Familiarise yourself with the rules of physical security and fire safety.
    • New employees can contact the Card Centre to have their pictures taken and for the issuance of the admission card an hour after their name will show in the search catalogue or in the Intranet (My site for employees.
    • The contact person for part-time teachers, regular suppliers and builders must make surer that these are registered in the personnel system (BAS) and contact the Card Centre.
    • First-time access cards are issued in Pilestredet 46, 1st floor (at the Service Centre) on all weekdays, 8:00 to 15:00, or at Campus Kjeller upon agreement with the Service Center.
    • Your photo will appear in Outlook and in other systems unless you have requested confidentiality through your user account (BITadmin).

    The photo on your admission card

    • The photo will appear in the search for students and staff, Outlook and other systems at OsloMet unless your request confidentiality of your photo through your user account.
    • If you wish to use a private photo you may submit it to the Card Centre.

    Lost card

    • A lost card must as soon as possible be blocked by ordering a new one via the user account.
    • A new admission card can be sent by the internal mail service to the Service Center at campus Kjeller.


    • The issuance of admission cards at Campus Kjeller is done upon agreement with the Sevice Centre. 
    • The admission card works on both campuses regardless of where it was issued. Students and staff from campus Kjeller can also use the Card Centre in Pilestredet 46 (P46).  In this case, the cards will be sent by internal mail to the Service Centre at Campus Kjeller.
    • At the start of term, admission cards (student cards) are issued in the foyer, to the right of the main entrance. The  Department of facilities Management organises this. Contact:


    • During the day, all staff (and students) have access to rooms that are not locked or access controlled.
    • OsloMet staff can contact the reception (staffed by Sandvika Municipality/ the Knowledge Centre) for activating the admission card for the card readers in Sandvika. This must be done upon agreement with a OsloMet employee at campus Sandvika.
  • Pin code

    The PIN Code

  • Visitors' admission cards 

    These come without printed name and picture and are intended only for temporary use; no more than 14 days. The Card Centre, the Service Centres and  the Information Centers can issue these only upon agreement with a contact person at OsloMet.

    Part-time teachers, regular guest lecturers, suppliers and others who are permanently connected to OsloMet must be registered in the personnel system, BAS, and shown to the Card Centre for photography and issuance of personal card. (Bring identification!) The HR Executive Officer must disclose the card's PIN directly to the person in question as it is confidential and strictly personal.

  • Keys

    • New employees can retrieve an office key at the Card Center in Pilestredet 46, you will receive a personal email when the key is ready to be retrieved.
    • A key order is created by registration in the BAS personal system, normally we calculate 10 business days before the key is ready to be retrieved.
    • You commit to: Keep the key in a satisfactory way, do not lend, make copies or change the key and return the key when you quit your employment

    Keys to FUR-classrooms

    OsloMet has decided to phase out the FUR keys. Therefor, from August 2019 you do not need to order a FUR key.

    Lost keys

    If you have lost your keys, you must report this as soon as possible through the contact form (

  • Access to buildings and rooms

    The admission card provides access to buildings and rooms on campus outside of regular opening hours as well as to the buildings and rooms which require a code.

    Do you need access to a building or a room? Contact the Card Centre in Pilestredet 46 (P46) or send an e-mail to:

  • Opening hours for buildings on campus

    • The buildings are open from 06:00-23:00 all day, year round also during holidays. In the evenings (after 17:00) and early morning (until 6:55), the cards will only work with a personal PIN code (four digits) that everyone should have received from their HR Executive Officer.
    • Opening hours for the students.
    • At night all exterior doors are locked mechanically and the alarm system is activated.
  • Reporting errors

    • Please report any errors on doors, locks and card readers on doors  through the contact form (
    • Please report any errors regarding your admission card to: Describe the circumstances. Include the number on the card reader, time and date and the numbers printed on the back of the the card: "Card Number", "Print". Write from your OsloMet email.



The Card Centre

Phone :
E-mail :
Place/Address :
The reception in Pilestredet 46, or the reception at Campus Kjeller.
Time/Opening Hours :
Monday - Friday, 08:00 - 15:00