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Kommunikasjonspolicy | Kommunikasjon og profil - Ansatt

Communication policy

Communication policy

This communication policy defines objectives, provides guidelines and clarifies the roles and responsibilities associated with communication at OsloMet.

Communication is a strategic instrument in realising OsloMet’s overarching strategy and objectives. The Norwegian Government’s Communication Policy (, in Norwegian) forms the basis for communication at the University.

OsloMet’s communication will contribute to the realisation of our values - diversity, learning and innovation.

The OsloMet Communication Policy sets out guidelines for all employees and units, for all communication work at the University and especially for the areas in which communication is a principal instrument. Finally, communication is the responsibility of all managers at OsloMet.

The OsloMet Communication Policy was adopted by the Rector in September 2016 and remains in force.

  • Principal objectives

    • Dialogue: Communication must contribute to positive dialogue with owners, employees, students, and key stakeholders outside the institution.
    • Community: Communication must contribute to developing a shared culture and identity.
    • Positioning: Communication must contribute to creating as clear, unified, and correct a picture as possible of the organisation.
    • Reputation-building: Communication must contribute to ensuring that OsloMet has a good reputation.
  • Guidelines

    • Communication must be unambiguous - no one should have any doubt about what we want and where we are heading.

    • Communication must involve dialogue - we are actively present in the arenas and platforms in which owners, employees, students, and key stakeholders outside the institution can be found.

    • Communication must build friendships and alliances - our structure is characterised by transparency and our values (diversity, learning and innovation)

    • Communication must create community and identity – we all help develop our culture.

    • Communication must be adapted to user needs and desires - we strive to focus on the recipients when choosing instruments, structure, and messages.

    • Communication must have high levels of quality and professionality and be issued at the appropriate time.

    • Communication is a management responsibility - all managers assume responsibility for how OsloMet is perceived by owners, employees, students, and external stakeholders. The line principle forms the basis for this.

    • Communication is a key instrument in creating measurable results. We view communication as a specialism, and we utilise our resources in the most efficient manner possible.

  • Roles and responsibilities

    Department of External Relations and Communications

    Department of External Relations and Communications has the overarching professional responsibility for public relations and communication at OsloMet. This entails:

    • acting as an expert adviser on communication matters for various areas of OsloMet and being an active driver for positive communication work at the University.

    • assuming the overall responsibility for the management of OsloMet’s reputation and for drawing up overarching strategies and plans for communication – internally and externally and for all target groups.

    • assuming the responsibility for developing and operating OsloMet’s digital communication platforms and channels, including social media.

    • assuming the overall responsibility for campaigns and activities to market/communicate the programme portfolio and OsloMet’s research in close collaboration with faculties, centres and other disciplines. 

    • assuming responsibility for drawing up excellent guidance on and offering courses on the use of OsloMet’s communication channels and the University’s visual profile and brand. Assuming responsibility for coordinating OsloMet’s public relations in close collaboration with the Rector's Management Advisory Service.

    • playing a central role in communication work in connection with emergency/crisis situations and assuming special responsibility for the crisis communication plan and crisis web site.

    • assuming responsibility for measuring the effect of, evaluating and quality-assuring overall communication initiatives.

    OsloMet as an institution

    As the Chief Academic and Administrative Officer, the Rector has the overall responsibility for all activities at OsloMet, including external and internal communication. Only the Rector or someone authorised by the Rector may make statements on behalf of OsloMet as an institution. Director of Communications may make statements on behalf of the institution in consultation with the Rector.

    Faculties and centres

    Heads of faculties and centres are authorised to make statements on behalf of their own units.

    Faculties and centres must have dedicated resources for communication associated with the dissemination of research, recruitment of students and editorial activities linked to the content on their web pages. Individual units organise communication work in different ways and the responsibility therefore falls to the Dean/Head of Centre or someone authorised by them. Nevertheless, units are expected to contribute to the shared communication networks at the University at all times (online teams, recruitment forums, dissemination forums, etc.) 

    Units must notify Department of External Relations and Communications in the event of media enquiries. This applies in particular in relation to matters that could give rise to considerable media attention and/or matters of a challenging nature. The same applies to events at OsloMet attended by ministers and other leading decision-makers. 

    Administrative units

    Heads of administrative units may, when authorised by the Rector, make statements relating to matters associated with their own unit and, in some special circumstances, also on behalf of the institution.

    • Heads of faculties, centres and administrative units are responsible for communication at their own units.
    • Heads of faculties and centres are authorised to make statements on behalf of their own units.
    • Heads of administrative units may, when authorised by the Rector, make statements relating to matters associated with their own unit and, in special circumstances, also on behalf of the institution.
    • Director of Communications may make statements on behalf of the institution in consultation with the Rector.