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Purchasing strategy - Ansatt

Procurement strategy 2024

Procurement strategy 2024

Goal for new procurement strategy: OsloMet has good management and control of the procurement area. We purchase sustainable goods and services and is leading in the higher education sector in the use of digital tools.


OsloMet purchases goods and services for hundreds of millions of Norwegian kroner every year. Between 15% and 20% of the budget is spent on purchasing goods and services that are important to the operation and development of the university.

A good foundation for and operationalisation of the procurement strategy ensures smarter purchases, so that the university’s resources, as far as possible, go to making education, research and the business sector more sustainable. By exercising its purchasing power, OsloMet can help to resolve the social challenges of the future.


OsloMet shall have a professional and strategic procurement function that works purposefully on and helps to develop a more sustainable future. The procurement strategy sets out guidelines for how this is to be achieved.

As approved by the Board on May 7 2021.

  • Goals and measures

    1. OsloMet has good management and control of the procurement area

    • Managers take ownership of the procurement strategy and implement measures to ensure good collaboration on procurements, and compliance with the financial, environmental and social principles.

    • Managers acquire the competence they need in relation to the regulations that apply to public procurements and sustainability principles.

    • Managers establish procedures for ensuring that employees comply with regulations and guidelines.

    • Analyses of the procurement area and reporting on goal attainment are systematically employed to ensure sustainable development.

    • The value and effect of procurements are documented and communicated to relevant stakeholders.

    1. OsloMet purchases sustainable goods and services and works strategically on its procurement processes

    • Innovative and sustainable solutions are sought in tenders, environmentally labelled products are preferred and environmental criteria are emphasised where they are shown to have effect.

    • Tender documents require suppliers to have an environmental management system.

    • Contract managers systematically follow up the requirements set out in competitions and contracts. This follow-up helps to realise potential savings, combat labour market crime and ensure that all parties keep what they have promised. 

    • Competence is systematically developed through participation in procurement forums, in the project ‘Kjøp bærekraftig’ (Sustainable purchasing) under the auspices of the Work Research Institute and other arenas. Learning is integrated into future procurements.

    • A category strategy is developed for relevant product areas in order to achieve synergies.

    • Procedures are prepared and implemented to ensure the right competence and involvement in the procurement processes, good contract coverage, follow-up of compliance and non-conformities, and a good overview of overall needs and purchases.

    1. OsloMet uses its resources effectively and leads the higher education sector in the use of digital tools

    • Everyone who has a role in a procurement process must consider competence-raising measures to ensure they can expediently attend to their tasks and responsibilities.

    • All orders are made through the procurement system and the proportion of e-commerce is set at 85%.

    • All procurement processes (contracts entered into) worth over NOK 100,000 are carried out electronically using complete tender management.

    • All contracts are actively followed up by contract managers and managed using the contract management tool.

    • Continuous efforts are made to improve the tools and their use. Functionality that improves management, simplifies processes or reduces the use of resources, must be used. 

  • Main principles for procurement-related work

    All employees

    • Follow these main principles, internal guidelines and help ensure that procurement processes are carried out in accordance with the Act and Regulations relating to public procurements

    • Are loyal to the framework agreements and report their needs through the ‘Min bestilling’ (My order) portal

    • Contribute to developing cooperation with suppliers by following up discontent and giving suppliers the possibility to do better

    All managers responsible for HR and budgeting 

    • Ensure joint goal attainment in the procurement area by putting procurement on the agenda

    • Plan procurements and report needs for assistance from the Section for Procurements well before preparations for the procurement start and the need is met

    • Follow up that employees comply with internal guidelines and relevant regulations

    Everyone in the role of purchaser, procurement manager and specification manager

    • Contribute to a good overview of needs through good involvement of users and those responsible for courses

    • Prepare competition documents and specifications that facilitate innovation, emphasise the environment and the product’s lifespan

    • Ensure good competition and enable small and medium-sized suppliers to take part in competitions

    • Address, as far as possible, social, ethical and environmental responsibility in all procurements

    Everyone in the role of orderer

    • Facilitate and ensure that all orders are ordered electronically through the procurement system

    • Contribute to continuous rationalisation of the ordering process by reporting needs and wishes relating to improving tools and procedures

    Everyone in the role of contract manager

    • Contribute to good quality throughout the contract period by systematically following up requirements and commitments

    • Follow the guidelines on contract management to ensure professional execution of the task

    • Use the contract follow-up tool so that it is possible to trace the follow-up work and report on the follow-up of measures that aim to reduce labour market crime and environmental impact.