Tiktok og Telegram på tjenesteenheter - Ansatt

TikTok and Telegram on service devices

TikTok and Telegram on service devices

The apps TikTok and Telegram can no longer be used on equipment supplied and paid for by OsloMet. Employees must delete these apps from their service devices.

You cannot use TikTok or Telegram from the service devices. If you have the apps TikTok and Telegram on service devices from OsloMet, such as mobile phones, PCs and tablets, you are required to delete them.

Private device?

If you have TikTok or Telegram on devices you own, and which are used to access OsloMet's internal digital systems such as e-mail, Teams and SharePoint, you are recommended to delete the apps and not use TikTok and Telegram from these devices.

  • What about students?

    The Norwegian National Security Authority's (NSM) points in its assessments to the increasing use of social media in the population and that the various apps collect some extensive data about the user. This is an issue that the population should be aware of.

    OsloMet therefore recommends that students who have access to OsloMet's internal digital systems such as e-mail, Teams, SharePoint and Canvas from their private devices also delete TikTok and Telegram and do not use TikTok and Telegram from the device.

    This will help to reduce the risk of information and data going astray. Deleting the apps is a recommendation to OsloMet's students and not something they are required to do.

  • Need TikTok or Telegram in a work context?

    If there is an official need for TikTok or Telegram, separate devices reserved for this type of purpose must be used, and which do not have access to OsloMet's internal systems.

    If there is a need for this, you must clarify it with your immediate manager.

  • Assessment and background

    According to the the Norwegian National Security Authority's (NSM) assessment, there is a high risk if the Chinese-owned app TikTok and the app Telegram, which is of Russian origin, are installed on service units that have access to the company's internal digital systems such as e-mail, Teams and SharePoint.

    OsloMet has independent responsibility for assessing the security situation when using the university's internal systems, and instructs employees to delete the TikTok and Telegram apps on service units.


    You can read more about the security assessment from NSM relating to these apps on the Ministry of Justice and Public Security's website (regjeringen.no). The text is in norwegian.

IT Service Desk

IT Service Desk