Retningslinjer for etablering av nye utdanninger og utarbeiding av program- og emneplaner ved OsloMet – storbyuniversitetet - Ansatt

Guidelines for the establishment of new programmes and the requirements regarding programme and course plans at Oslo Metropolitan University

Guidelines for the establishment of new programmes and the requirements regarding programme and course plans at Oslo Metropolitan University

This page gives a short overview of the process for establishing new programmes and the requirements regarding programme and course plans at Oslo Metropolitan University. The full guidelines are only available in Norwegian.

Establishing of new studies is regulated through Guidelines for the establishment of new programmes and the requirements regarding programme and course plans at Oslo Metropolitan University (Retningslinjer for etablering av nye utdanninger og utarbeiding av program- og emneplaner ved OsloMet – storbyuniversitetet) The guidelines also defines who/which bodies have approval authority in matters of establishing new studies. 

Establishment of studies at bachelor's and higher levels with a scope of 60 credits or less is dealt with in its entirety at faculty level. The same applies to the approval of programme plans at all levels. 

Matters concerning the establishment of studies of more than 60 credits are decided by the The OsloMet Board. The section for analysis and quality development (AK) provides guidance during the process of applying for establishing new studies, and prepares the cases for OsloMet's Education Committee (UU) and board, on the basis of an application from the faculty.

If you are planning to develop a new programme or course, please contact your faculty's administrative office for guidance.