Renewal of work permit with the Norwegian immigration authorities - Ansatt

Renewal of work permit with the Norwegian immigration authorities

Renewal of work permit with the Norwegian immigration authorities

International employees with a renewable work permit are responsible to renew it according to the Norwegian immigration authorities' (UDI) rules and regulations. OsloMet will upon request provide a certified offer of employment needed for the renewal application with the UDI. Below follows a description on how to proceed.

International employees who need to renew their work permit bear the full responsibility to do this within the deadlines of the Norwegian Immigration Authorities (UDI). More information on how and when to renew your work permit ( . Please visit UDI’s webpage concerning which form to use. In the renewal application you must include a new offer of employment confirming your current work conditions at OsloMet. Please note that the renewal fee must be covered by the employee.

OsloMet will verify, sign and stamp the Offer of employment/Employment certificate upon your request. We kindly ask you to fill in all the required information in the form. An explanation on how to fill in can be found further below.

  1. Fill in all the slots in the correct form that you find on the web pages of UDI.

  2. Sign it with your full name, date and place.

  3. Send it to OMISS (OsloMet International Staff Service). Remember to provide the contact information of your manager at OsloMet.

  4. OMISS will contact your manager to certify the information you have provided and sign/stamp the form.

  5. You will receive the signed and stamped form through your OsloMet e-mail.

If you have any questions concerning the form, please contact OMISS.

Explanation on how to fill out sections 2,4,5

Section 2 – Information about the employer

Name of enterprise: Oslo Metropolitan University

Organization number: 997058925

Employer’s address, postal code and district: Pilestredet 46, 0167 Oslo

Employer’s contact person: Name and contact information of your manager at OsloMet.

Section 4 – Information about the offer of employment

Please make sure to give a fairly detailed description of your current work, more or less four lines. If you only write a few words, the processing of your application may take longer time.

Section 5 – Pay and working conditions

Is there a collective agreement or pay scale for the sector? Please cross out Yes and fill in “Hovedtariffavtalen”.