Registry data - Ansatt

Registry data

Registry data provides quick and easy access to the use of Statistics Norway's registry data. The service allows for the research of individual’s data without disclosing their personal information.
  • Ny avtale med Microdata signert

    Ny avtale med Microdata er signert mars 2024. Les mer under for hvordan du få tilgang.

Statistics Norway grants microdata to research projects and has information relating to persons, businesses and enterprises.

In, registry data is made available so that:

  • it is no longer necessary to apply for a license or exemption from the data owner to gain access through the anonymous interface
  • Statistics Norway does not have to make data sets on order; the researcher is in charge of preparing the data he/she wants to use through the interface

How to gain access is available to researchers, PhD candidates and  master's degree students. Their different institutions have contacts who manage the access. See the contact list for an overview.

Accessible registries

At its launch (May 2018), had information about 10,215,453 persons, all of whom have or have had a Norwegian national identification number since 1964.

Accessible registries through

  • National Population Registry
  • National Education Database (NUDB)
  • Tax Returns Registry
  • Labour Market Data
  • Progress Database FD-Trygd

These are registries for which Statistics Norway has a processing authority (collected pursuant to the Statistics Act). contains complete, unmodified data where direct person identification has been deleted. Privacy is ensured through an "anonymous interface" that provides access to data processing and analysis without disclosing personal information.


Access applies to all variables ( that are made available in the system. You do not need to apply in advance for access to specific variables.

The analysis service offers advanced data processing functionality, descriptive analysis, aggregation, linear regression analysis, logistic regression, etc. Panel methods will be phased in relatively soon.

The technological solution does not put any restrictions on the kind of analyses that can be supported, but all phased-in functionality must be tested, evaluated and possibly confidentialised first.

Several analysis options are on the way.


  • Researchers cannot view or download data
  • Researchers cannot use their own statistics sets or libraries
  • It is not possible to connect to your own data
  • The range of statistical analyses is limited (but will be expanded)
  • All output is subject to confidentiality securing. The methods are described in Appendix C of the user's guide (

Traditional statistics sets and tools like Stata, SAS, SPSS, R, Python, etc. are not compatible with the anonymisation model chosen in the service, where processing and analysis are performed in a controlled environment that enables data confidentiality throughout the analysis process.
