Postdoktorer - Ansatt

Postdoctoral Fellows

Postdoctoral Fellows

Postdoctoral fellows at OsloMet are an important asset contributing to the university’s research and teaching excellence.

Based on OsloMets postdoctoral fellow instruction (PDF), we strive to provide you as a postdoc with career development support during your appointment, to help boost your career opportunities. 

OsloMet therefor provides a postdoc program to assist you with some of your needs in this process, as an addition to the support you get from your research group, department/institute, faculty/centre.

The program will be under continuous development.

Some other courses

Discuss your options with your supervisor, and don’t be shy! OsloMet has a responsibility to contribute towards your development.

The OsloMet Academy have several other relevant courses on offer, examples (require log in):

  • Language courses and workshops

    Are you a PhD candidate or a researcher about to give a presentation at your first international conference? Or do you want to improve your academic language? The Unit for Academic Language and Practice (AKS) offers courses, seminars and guidance.

    More information and registration on AKS's website (

Funding opportunities