Legantoveiledning for emneansvarlige - Ansatt

User manual for Leganto

User manual for Leganto

Click on the sections below for instructions on how to edit and add references on a reading list in Leganto.
  • Book

    1. Click "Add item", then "Library search":

      Screenshot of where to click in Leganto
    2. Search by title/author:

      Screenshot of where to click in Leganto
    3. Click on the correct book, choose the section you want the book added to, then click "Add" at the bottom right. You can also click, then drag and drop it into the list. OBS! Remember to choose the correct edition of the book

      Screenshot of where to click in Leganto

    Video on how to add a book (only in Norwegian)(film.oslomet.no).

  • Book chapter in book with editors

    1. Click "Add item", then "Library search":

      Screenshot of where to click in Leganto
    2.  Search for the book the chapter is in:

      Screenshot of where to click in Leganto
    3. Click on the correct book, choose the section you want the book added to, then click "Add and edit" at the bottom right. OBS! Remember to choose the correct edition of the book

      Screenshot of where to click in Leganto

    4. Under "Edit item" click "Type" then select "Book chapter" from the drop down menu. Then fill in these fields: Chapter title, chapter author, chapter number, start page, end page, editor and publication date. Because you are editing a book some of the fields needed are already filled in.

      Screenshot of where to click in Leganto
    5. Click "Save" at the bottom right when you are done 

    Video on how to add a book chapter (only in Norwegian)(film.oslomet.no)

  • Book chapter in book without editors

    1. Search and add the book to the reading list.

    2. Click on the three dots to the right of the reference and select "Edit item":

    Screenshot of where to click in Leganto

    3. Enter the book chapter and/or pages in the "Public note" field, then save at the bottom right:

    Screenshot of where to click in Leganto

  • Add a public note

    If you wish to add a comment on a reference you can do this in a public note. 

    1. Click on the three dots to the right of the reference and select "Edit item":

      Screenshot of where to click in Leganto
    2. Enter the comment in the "Public note" field, then save at the bottom right:

      Screenshot of where to click in Leganto
  • Article

    1. Click "Add item", then "Library search":

      Screenshot of where to click in Leganto
    2. Search for the article:

      Screenshot of where to click in Leganto
    3. Click on the correct article, choose the section you want the article added to, then click "Add" at the bottom right. You can also click, then drag and drop it into the list.

      Screenshot of where to click in Leganto

    OBS! If you can't find the article by searching for the article title you must search for the journal, then edit the journal reference in the same way as a book chapter. 

    Video on how to add an article (only in Norwegian)(film.oslomet.no)

  • Add references manually

    Try searching for the reference first. If you can’t find it you must add it manually.

    1. Click "Add item", then "Blank form":

      Screenshot of where to click in Leganto
    2. Under "Type" select the reference type you wish to add:

      Screenshot of where to click in Leganto
    3. Fill in the required fields for the reference type you have selected. The main rule is that the information needed to cite the reference must be included. Check the manual for the reference style you are using if you are unsure of which fields to fill in.

    Video on how to manually add a reference (only in Norwegian)(film.oslomet.no)

  • Add and edit sections

    1. Click "New section"

      Screenshot of where to click in Leganto
    2. Type in the title of the section, add a description if necessary, then click "Create" at the bottom right.

    To edit an existing section, click on the three dots to the right of the section and choose "Edit Section". Remember to save when you are done. 

    Screenshot of where to click in Leganto

  • Edit a reference

    1. Click on the three dots to the right of the reference you want to edit, and choose "Edit item"

      Screenshot of where to click in Leganto
    2. Edit the reference, then click "Save" at the bottom right
  • Move a reference

    To the far right of the reference, a blue bar appears when you hover over it with the mouse cursor. Drag and drop the reference to where you want it.

    Screenshot of where to click in Leganto

  • Delete a reference

    Click on the three dots to the right of the reference, then click "Delete item":

    Screenshot of where to click in Leganto

  • Digitization request

    If you want a reference to be digitized, the reference MUST be filled in correctly and the correct page number must be included.

    You are automatically allowed to digitize 15% of a book, and 1 article from one issue of a journal. Excerpts beyond 15% must be clarified with Kopinor. 

    To request digitization, press "Add digitization request" directly below the reference and select "Digitization request":

    Screenshot of where to click in Leganto

    In order for the library to process the digitization requests before the start of the semester, the deadline for submitting the reading list must be met: 

    • April 15th for autumn courses 
    • November 1st for spring courses
  • Reading list publishing

    The deadline for submitting your reading list for publishing is 15 April for autumn courses, and 1 November for spring courses. 

    When you are finished editing the reading list, do the following: 

    1. Click on "Send list to library for publishing" from the reading list in Leganto:

      Screenshot on where to click in Leganto
    2. The library will then check and publish the reading list, as well as purchase relevant books, process digitization requests and reporting to Kopinor/Bolk.

    IMPORTANT! In order for the library to make the list available in Canvas, the subject must be registered in FS with the correct information about the semester, course code and course coordinators.

    Contact FS at your faculty/department if you are unsure if the course is registered.  

    Students will not be able to access the reading list until it is published. 

  • Sharing a reading list (Akademika and external users)

    We recommend that the course coordinator informs Akademika that published reading lists are found via the specific course page on student.oslomet.no. External users can also find the reading lists via the course pages.

    You can also share a list directly from Leganto by clicking on the three dots to the right of the reading list name, selecting "Create a shareable link", or by exporting the list by clicking "Export" and choose Word or PDF:

    Screenshot of where to click in Leganto

  • Approval by study leader/program coordinator etc.

    The library has two suggestions for how the study leader/program coordinator etc. can approve the reading list. 

    Option 1: 

    1. Course coordinators edit their reading list and notify their study leader/program coordinator etc. 
    2. Study leader/program coordinator are given access to the list. Once they have approved the list they click "Send list to library for publishing" in Leganto. 

    Once sent, the library will review and publish the reading list.

    Option 2: 

    1. Course coordinators edit their list, downloads the reading list as a pdf/word document and forward it to the study leader/program coordinator. (See the next section "Sharing a reading list"). 
    2. The approver notifies the course coordinator when it has been approved. 
    3. The course coordinator clicks "Send list to library for publishing" in Leganto. 

    Once sent, the library will review and publish the reading list.